Was Jessie Davis afraid of Bobby Cutts? If she was who knew? Did Canton Police Department know? Were there domestic violence calls or calls of concern before the murders? Why was Bobby Cutts hired when he had domestic violence in his past, and why was he working as an armed police officer while he was under various protection orders filed by Nikki Giavasis, the mother of his living daughter? Why were the psychological findings in that court battle not enough to trigger an investigation on his fitness for duty? Did he take a psychological before he was hired?
The answers to any of those questions would trigger a hundred others.
Why was "domestic violence" not an issue in this case - brought up only a couple of times amongst the hundreds of news articles?
And with all the background info known on Bobby Cutts, why did officer-involved domestic violence never become an issue. It was mentioned once by local papers - in passng.
Patty Porter, Jessie's mom, forgave Bobby Cutts. I admire that. That should not be confused with pinpointing what went wrong however - in order to make sure it never happens again the same way. No one has looked to see what happened and how.
What a wasted opportunity for the other victims like Jessie who still have nowhere in Ohio to turn.

The Plain Dealer
Posted by Laura Johnston
June 13, 2008 21:05PM
[Excerpts] When Patty Porter takes her 3-year-old grandson to counseling, he demands a little ritual. They kiss three times. Hug twice. Say, "See you later, alligator," and "After a while, crocodile." Blake Davis does not want Porter to leave. It's been a year since his mother, Jessie Davis, went missing from her Stark County duplex. A year since her friendly face and pregnant belly flashed frantically on cable TV, since thousands of well-wishers volunteered to help search for her body. A year that Blake and his grandmother have been coping with the pain. The roller coaster of grief -- the blind plunges, peaks and chugging climbs -- has just begun, though. The last year was so public, so hectic with a move to a new home and the murder trial of Davis' boyfriend, Bobby Cutts Jr., that the family is just now finding time to confront their emotions. "There's just so many feelings and so many people that weren't in my life before," Porter said Friday in an interview at her church, The House of the Lord. "We can't just close the door and move forward." Last week Porter cried for three days in a row. She is mourning her oldest daughter -- the 26-year-old mother, nine months pregnant; the shy caretaker with a wicked sense of humor; the blonde kid who rode a pink bike and liked to play church... At the sentencing, Porter publicly forgave Cutts, the father of Blake and Davis' unborn daughter, Chloe. She has forged a relationship with Cutts' mother, Renee Jones, whom Blake visits regularly. And she has found peace through her family, her church and Jesus Christ... Porter cares full-time for Blake, as well as her two teenage sons. The four live in a split-level house donated last year by Countrywide Mortgage and dotted with furniture from Davis' duplex. And nearly every day, Porter's daughters gather there. Each day is different, she said. But each day she looks at the 8-by-10 photo of Davis and Blake she keeps on her dresser. And each day she confronts the surges of grief as they come. "I really try to get up, really try to be thankful for that day that I have," Porter said. "I have a lot to be grateful for, that I had her for 26 years." [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder suicide ohio state politics teflon]
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