Heads of The Tennessee State Troopers, Highway Safety Patrol Commissioner Fred Phillips and Deputy Commissioner Tom Moore have resigned. The Tennesean Newspaper shook things until the truth fell out - 1 in every 18 Troopers has some kind of criminal history on their records(including domestic violence) and it's found that a couple of ways they keep their jobs, get rehired, or get promoted is by contributing to Governor Bredesen's campaign funds, OR having a politician - whether the politician knows them or not - write a letter in their behalf. The governor is saying whoops I didn't have any idea of this, as are the politicians pleading ignorance. 48 troopers are being investigated now by internal affairs - the number left after others have already gone through the process of having their criminal pasts "expunged."

...The governor had ordered the TBI to investigate after a series of stories and questions by The Tennessean about the THP. Most recently, the newspaper inquired about an Oct. 12 memo in which then-Col. Pitts told troopers it was their responsibility to get their criminal records expunged to operate a federal crime database. The newspaper asked why troopers would have criminal records... (Source: THP housecleaning sweeps out 2 more, The Tennessean, Brad Schrade, 12/10/05)
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