By Keren Rivas / Times-News
October 16, 2007 4:41 PM
Police found no probable cause to file charges against District Court Judge Brad Allen earlier this month after one of his children called 911 to report an assault. Burlington police officers responded to the judge’s home on Ridgecrest Avenue on Oct. 5 at around 7:36 p.m., after the judge’s daughter called 911 to report that her father had assaulted her, said Burlington Police Chief Mike Williams. “She just said on the phone that she had been hit,” Williams said. A police incident report also states that the 9-year-old girl had been threatened. In any possible domestic situation, Williams said, the officers’ first priority is to find out if someone has been injured and whether danger still exists. When it was determined that there was no threat, officers moved to establish probable cause, Williams said. He said that besides Allen, there were two minors in the house, the girl who made the call and her brother. He said officers interviewed each of them twice. They also interviewed the children’s mother, Dawn Johnson.“We interviewed anyone present,” Williams said. “We didn’t find anything that would corroborate (her) story.” He continued, “There were discrepancies, different accounts and no physical evidence of any assault, at least at that time.” After the children went home with their mother, Williams said he contacted District Attorney Rob Johnson. “He agreed there was no probable cause,” he said, but added that they still decided to turn over the case to the State Bureau of Investigation in case further inquiries were necessary. Dawn Johnson declined to comment Monday about the incident, saying that it was not in the best interest of the children to have their lives played out in the newspaper... In July 2006, the couple entered into a separation agreement, which included a custodial schedule, child support provisions and financial matters. On that same month, the Burlington Police Department asked the SBI to look into domestic violence accusations that someone had made against Allen. The investigation was closed in February pending any new information... Johnson said she and Allen were attempting to go through mediation. Allen was more specific. “We have gone to mediation and have resolved many of the issues,” he said. “We are in family counseling. I’m hoping and praying that this would help to resolve the stressful times that we and my children are going through”...
DAWN D. ALLEN, Plaintiff
Dawn Allen affidavit
...Both daughters begged me to call the police and file a complaint, but I was afraid of what Defendant would do to me if I had him arrested, so I calmed the children and went home... He said he could get law enforcement to do anything in this county since the Allen's owned it. He further stated, "enjoy your time in jail," and that he would have the North Carolina State Bar take my law license...
...he shoved me against the wall so hard that pictures fell off the wall. Then he hit me in the arm. He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off the ground. I couldn't breathe and I kicked Defendant. He loosened his grip and continued to scream obscenities at me. Unbeknownst to either of us, Gene Johnson, a North Carolina Highway Patrolman, who had been invited by Defendant to join us on Thanksgiving Day, dropped by unexpectedly on his way home from work. He heard Defendant screaming and he found the front door open, so he entered the residence to investigate. Upon seeing Gene, Defendant immediately retreated to the bedroom. Gene asked me if I was okay and asked me about the abrasions on my neck. I told him not to ask, he wouldn't want to hear what really was going on... our guests noticed the bruises around my neck and commented on how bad they were. I did not tell them what happened out of fear of Defendant harming me once the company left. Our guests included Gene Johnson, my father Patrick Henry Donleycott, my mother Brenda Powell Donleycott, my aunt Maggie Powell), Braylee Booker and Kati...
...I took a shower, undressed and got into bed. Defendant straddled me and began choking me. I got away from him, grabbed the phone and called my parents for help. They insisted I take the children and come to their home and stay there. After I hung up, Defendant, in a rage, called my parents to verify that I had called them and had told them he had choked me. When my father confirmed that I had done so, Defendant was furious. He jerked up Kati, the oldest child, who had been sleeping on the couch and was screaming at her. The screaming woke up Kennedy as well. In the hope that the boys had not been awakened, I left with only the two girls, and went to my parent's house. The next morning, my mother arranged with Defendant to pick up the two boys. The children and I began living with my parents that night...
...In May 2006, Defendant and I got into an argument about where the children were going to sleep on a particular night. After a heated discussion in the presence of the minor children in which Defendant called me a " stupid fucking bitch" and other derogatory terms, in front of the children, Defendant took the children to the my parent's home. An hour later, I heard the dogs, which were in the garage, being uncharacteristically agitated. As I walked back towards the bedroom, I noticed that the door leading to the garage was standing open. Terrified, I called Gene, who is a N.C. State Trooper. I asked him to stay on the phone with me while I went and shut and relocked the door. I stated that I couldn't understand why the dogs were not barking as they normally would have, and Gene said he would come by to check the house. Then I heard the door to the garage open, and the alarm sounded that a door had just been opened. I locked the bedroom door and shut out the lights to the bedroom. Gene stayed on the phone with me the entire time. I then heard footsteps outside the bedroom window and I quickly went to the wall and turned on the floodlights. I then ran to the window and saw a man dressed in a dark jacket and jeans running up the driveway. Within 3 minutes, two Troopers arrived, namely Gene Johnson and Alex Chehaitli. I stayed in the bedroom while they checked the outside. When they cleared the outside of the house, I let them inside. They searched the entire house. They found the garage door leading to the house and the garage door leading outside both unlocked. This was completely inconsistent because while on the phone with Gene, I locked both doors. The trooper's agreed to drive by the house while they were working to see if they saw anything unusual and they left. After they left the I went into the bedroom closet to dress for bed and looked up and noticed that things on top of where the case where the gun was located had been pushed aside and the butt of the gun was sticking out of the case, A brand new box of bullets was sitting next to the gun case. There had NEVER been a box of bullets next to the gun case and the case was always shut. First thing the next morning I contacted my mother to tell her about the terrifying incident. My mother responded, "It had to be Brad." I inquired why she thought that and she explained that he was behaving very strangely while at their house the night before but shortly after arriving with the children he stated to my parents that he needed to run to the store to get dog food. This was very strange because the dogs had plenty of food. According to my mother, Defendant was absent from the house for two hours and did not return with dog food. I then checked the gun and discovered that it was loaded. To my knowledge, that gun had never been loaded during the last nine years of the marriage. I unloaded the gun and took the new box next to the gun case and hid them. I put the gun back in the case and put other items back on top to disguise the gun case...
...In June 2006, Defendant showed up at the residence without invitation and announced that he was moving back in and there wasn't anything I could do to stop him. He stated he would be moving in the next month. At that time I was not willing to have my children's father arrested for Domestic Criminal Trespass, so I contacted my mother and we began looking for a home to purchase. Once Brad noticed moving boxes and other indications that I was in fact vacating the residence, Defendant wrote a note to me stating he had rethought it and he did want me and children to stay in the marital home. He then argued with me on a daily basis about whether he was willing to contribute the down payment on my new residence from our joint equity line or not. One instance, Defendant pinned me to the wall causing all blood vessels in my wrist to burst leaving a substantial bruise. The bruise was on my right wrist, back side, and was the size of an egg. It took over a week to heal. During that week, several people notice and commented on my injury, including Bob Wishart, Myra Heath and my mother. Upon information and belief, my mother confronted Defendant about my injury and he claimed that I had hit him. My mother said that it wasn't possible where the bruise was located, and Defendant did not respond...
...He grabbed my arm, bruising it. The children screamed for him to stop, and he let go. I went to get my purse to leave. While placing the purse strap around my neck, Defendant came from behind and shoved me into the glass window in the kitchen and twisted the purse strap around my neck, choking me. I could not breathe. The children were screaming to quit choking their mommy. I got my fingers under the strap just as Zachary moved to intervene and Defendant let go of me. We ran out of the house. I had a bright red line on my neck that was about two inches long...
...Screaming between the Defendant and children reached a terrifying pitch. Defendant began slapping Kennedy's legs because she wanted to stay there with me. Defendant picked up Kennedy and as she was kicking and hysterical he was banging her into the walls on the way down the hall and downstairs. I came down the attic stairs to intervene on Kennedy's behalf. As the Defendant was carrying Kennedy, I came down the steps with Kati one step behind me. When the Defendant got to the garage door he opened it and I was standing behind him. In a calming manner I asked if I could just talk with Kennedy to calm her down before they left. Kennedy reached her left arm over Defendant's shoulder and grabbed my right wrist and begged me to help. Defendant turned around and punched me with the child in his arms still holding my wrist. I raised my left hand to protect myself and he punched my wrist. I felt the swelling immediately and Kati screamed, "stop hitting my mommy". Kati went to comfort me and looked at the knot on the wrist and asked if it was broken. I told her I was unsure. Defendant had exited with Kennedy in hysterics.I went to put ice on the wrist to reduce swelling. Defendant came back into the house because the children wouldn't get into the car and I told him that if he came near me I was calling the police. Defendant responded "go ahead, who do you think in this county will arrest Brad Allen, or better yet call them and tell them I'll be at JB Allen's. See who's big enough to come over there and arrest me, you ain't nobody." I stated that he'd spend 48 hours in jail under the domestic violence statute and he responded that would never happen either, because he's above the law and if 1 did call he and his daddy would come after me so fast and I wouldn't have a job. The children refused to leave with Defendant once they were outside and he left...
...I went to the wedding and the injury to my wrist was obvious. I confided about the incident to Allyson Rogers, a probation officer who was there, and she was told me that I needed to report the assault. Later that night, I called Capt. SteveBlack with the Burlington Police Department. He invited me to stay with his family for my protection and then called back and directed me to be at a location to meet a Domestic Violence investigator the next morning. I met with DV investigator Robin Harlekavich and she photographed my wrist and took a statement. The following day, Defendant and I had a conversation in which I told him that I had contacted the authorities. Defendant was outraged. Defendant told me that his "daddy was tight with the SBI and they wouldn't do anything to him anyway." Defendant continued to tell me that if anything should happen to him, he would ruin me. Fearing that Defendant would carry out his threats, I did not cooperate with the S.B.I...
...Since moving into the new residence, my children and I have seen Defendant on the premises when he was not invited. On numerous occasions the Defendant would come by the house and would try to force himself into my house...
...Upon information and belief, he has bragged to members of the legal community that he has two friends watching my home, namely, Sean Boone, an assistant district attorney, and his wife Annie Boone, who is an officer with the Burlington Police Department...
The affadavit from above was signed by Dawn Allen on April 3, 2007
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, all of this at least calls for another investigation. Claims like this shouldn't be left alone because the wife isn't cooperating (she's the one being beaten, remember?) of course she isn't going to cooperate especially when here husband is a judge and his father is a superior court judge. In general, Alamance County has been getting tons of allegations lately about its LEO and law system. These are not the worst of the rumors about Brad Allen, just the most realistic ones, take his ass to jail. Congrats on your election win, batteur de femme
ReplyDelete-Le Libertaire
As of November 2012 this same honorable is still sitting on the bench in Alamance County deciding civil issues regarding children; and presiding over domestic violence court 50B. Even if there was no substantiation of these charges, aren't his personal experiences enough to cloud his judgment?
ReplyDeleteMaybe unfair judges are the most frightening people on this blog. We get to court and we pray to meet with justice and impartiality. So sad a disappointment for so many.
ReplyDeleteTo the person who sent a comment, I can't post that because it's AWFUL and unverified but I admit you had me wondering. If those are lies they are the most ELABORATE I've ever received and if it's the truth the media is not on their job.
ReplyDeleteGod bless us, every one.
Still running the same one-sided story. I bet you never bothered to check out the facts of my comments that you "can't post because it's awful and can't be verified". Sure it can. Just takes a little more work. Dawn was recently disbarred for her illegal activity that included drug charges and stealing money from clients, etc. You can certainly verify that. Does that not cause you to question her character? She married the Highway patrolman who "saved her" from Brad. Very soon afterward. That's verifiable. I ask you again, do your homework. You won't post this either since it doesn't offer validation for your cause. The least you could do is take this one down (how long has it sat here?) and post something legitimate. If you can't be fair and unbiased, you shouldn't be posting this stuff. You are attempting to discredit a judge and even the justice system without looking deep enough to get to the truth. The system failed me and my husband because it allowed both Dawn and Brad to unjustly and unfairly harm both of us. My husband was forced to give up his rights as a father, we were both arrested, our home was invaded. We were harassed and bullied. Our family members were harassed and bullied. We spent an unbelievable amount of money in an attempt to defend ourselves. All unfairly. So I feel no desire to defend Brad, who unfairly used his power as a D.A. and judge. I feel no desire to defend the justice system. Yet I still ask you to seek the truth. Otherwise, what difference are you making?????
ReplyDeleteLaw is the law...just because you do not like it...does not matter....If Dawn and Brad unjustly did you wrong then deal with that through the law. You won't they are to big for any of us.
DeleteI think that it is hypocritical to have a judge like that deciding people's fates. He can't even take care of his business at home. All of these aligatiins may not be true but I am sure some are. He can't be touched because he owns the legal system. He basically can do what he wants and get a way with it. He dealt me a blow to my criminal back ground. Giving me probation and jail time for saying the wrong thing in court ant talking to much essentially. Tasered for talking wjile i waa in handcufts. Resisting arrest and contempt of court for something I never do that is not my character. A verfiable cause of the drugs I was taking from an accident I had unrelated to the incident that I was charged for. This guy is giving unfair sentences and doing what he wants. We know about it but can't do anything because a "lack of evidence" which really means that this guy scared people from testifying. The justice system is supposed to provide justice for all but certainpeople are exempt from it in their own counties. What a joke.