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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

[LA] Police Chief Victor Rogers wants (demoted-to-officer) Asst. Chief Andre Rogers fired for domestic crimes, but...

A suspended Arcadia police officer with one ex-wife beating charge under his belt will continue to draw his pay even though the chief wants him fired for a second violent confrontation with his former wife...

Previous posts:
  • [LA] DA wants to know how Asst. Chief Rogers avoided state charges for battering his wife -...Police Chief Victor Rogers regarding Asst. Police Chief Andre Rogers paying a fine for battering his wife: ..."If you're charged with simple battery, you can go ahead and pay it. ... It's like a speeding ticket"... Arcadia Police Chief Victor Rogers said Andre Rogers paid a fine Monday morning in city court -- a speeded-up time frame that has caught the attention of the D.A.'s office, which was considering handling the case in state district court...
  • [LA] Asst. Chief Rogers strangling ex-wife in front of 3 year-old is his 3rd domestic attack - Arcadia Police Chief Victor Rogers has suspended one of his officers for the second time in less than three months... The police chief said he hopes Andre Rogers will resign. If not, a recommendation for disciplinary action...... Additionally, court records indicate Andre Rogers’ problems with his ex-wife did not start last year. In 2004, she was granted a temporary restraining order against him...

Shreveport Times
By Vickie Welborn vwelborn@gannett.com
June 10, 2009
[Excerpts] ARCADIA - A suspended Arcadia police officer with one ex-wife beating charge under his belt will continue to draw his pay even though the chief wants him fired for a second violent confrontation with his former wife. Police Chief Victor Rogers on Tuesday night recommended the termination of officer Andre Rogers, who's been on paid leave since late February for allegedly battering his ex-wife. As elected chief, Victor Rogers can recommend disciplinary action and hiring and firing but it takes the Town Council to take formal action. The council declined to take up the matter because of the absence of the town attorney... Victor Rogers has twice submitted requests to Smith to have officer Andre Rogers' employment status placed on the agenda. [Mayor Eugene] Smith's response was to ask the chief to perform an internal investigation... "I did that and recommended termination," said Victor Rogers, who is no relation to Andre Rogers. "I told him it needed to be placed on the agenda as soon as possible." How much longer he'll have to wait is uncertain. The status of Andre Rogers' criminal case is unknown. Assistant District Attorney Tammy Jump did not return a telephone message left with her office Wednesday afternoon. Andre Rogers' first arrest was on Nov. 29 on a misdemeanor charge of simple battery after he pulled his former wife from a vehicle and hit her. Rogers resolved the case within three days by signing a guilty plea and paying a $500 fine... Rogers was demoted from assistant chief to an officer and his pay reduced from $15 to $12.50 an hour. He also was ordered to complete psychological testing and attend anger management classes. Andre Rogers attended two classes and returned to work. In late February, Andre Rogers was charged with a felony count of domestic abuse battery after Bienville sheriff's deputies said he beat and attempted to strangle his ex-wife. Andre Rogers spent several days in jail. The council - minus Maggie Roberson, who is Andre Rogers' mother - placed him on paid administrative leave. At the recommendation of the town's insurance carrier, Risk Management, Victor Rogers said he sent a letter to Andre Rogers and his attorney suggesting that he attend additional counseling sessions. "But he didn't show up. He's not contacted me since he was arrested," Victor Jones said... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence law enforcement teflon louisianna]

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 17, 2009

    Shreveport Times, LA
    By Vickie Welborn vwelborn@gannett.com
    December 3, 2008 2:00 am

    ARCADIA — Arcadia's assistant police chief has admitted his guilt in an altercation involving his wife this weekend and has paid a fine.

    The quick turnaround is prompting a review by the Bienville district attorney's office, which may consider whether to upgrade the charge of simple battery filed Friday night against Andre Rogers. Assistant District Attorney Tammy Jump said she could not comment further.

    Police Chief Victor Rogers, who is not related to Andre Rogers, said his assistant did not receive any favors by being allowed to resolve the case so quickly. Victor Rogers said simple battery is a misdemeanor and, as such, already has a set fine that can be paid anytime at Town Hall.

    "If you're charged with simple battery, you can go ahead and pay it. ... It's like a speeding ticket," Victor Rogers said Tuesday. "We've got fines already set up. And if you want to plead guilty, you can come on down and pay it."

    Arcadia police charged Andre Rogers after his wife called 911 to report he had pulled her from a vehicle and hit her. Bienville sheriff's deputies took the woman to a hospital, where she was treated then released.

    Andre Rogers was booked into the Bienville Parish Jail and remained there until Saturday morning, when he was released after signing a summons to appear in court. He signed a guilty plea and paid a $500 fine Monday morning.

    Andre Rogers is suspended with pay until the Town Council takes up disciplinary action during its meeting Tuesday. Victor Rogers said he will make a recommendation that could include termination, demotion or a reduction in pay.

    The police chief is not anticipating any further action from the district attorney's office. Victor Rogers said Andre Rogers' wife was interviewed by the district attorney's office the night of the incident and the charge could have been upgraded then.

    "I talked to the DA and they said they didn't have a warrant upgrading the charges," Victor Rogers said. "(Andre Rogers) admitted he was wrong, so I told him to go on and pay the fine. We didn't do him any favors. ... There were no weapons involved. No severe injuries.

    "(Andre Rogers' wife) gave a statement and wanted to drop charges. I refused to let her to that. We brought the charges so they were going to stay."

    Andre Rogers, who has been with the Police Department for about 12 years, has no prior disciplinary problems, Victor Rogers said. "But he understands he does have to set an example."


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