Small world. Rutherford County Sheriff's Deputy Michael Greenwood was the deputy that went out into the woods with another deputy to check on a distraught woman I've talked with, Michelle Roderick, and shot her. We'll get back to Michelle in day or two.
June 20, 2009 06:14 PM
[Excerpt] LAVERGNE, Tenn.- A Rutherford County Sheriff's deputy is off the job tonight after La Vergne Police arrested him. Michael Greenwood, 34, was fired for being arrested on charges of aggravated domestic violence. The Sheriff's Department says Greenwood threatened his wife with a firearm after finding out Friday she was having an affair... [Full article here]
Saturday, June 20, 2009 1:18 pm
[Excerpts] A 34-year-old dayshift deputy sheriff was fired today after being arrested by La Vergne Police Department officers for committing aggravated domestic violence against his wife, a sheriff's office nightshift patrol sergeant. The 31-year-old female sergeant resigned after sheriff's office supervision became aware of facts behind the incident... It is our understanding Greenwood became aware Friday that his wife, former Sgt. Heather Greenwood, was involved in a romantic affair with a subordinate deputy on her shift. Greenwood left their home and went to a motel room but returned to the La Vergne house they shared and confronted Mrs. Greenwood again early this morning. After he threatened her with a personal firearm that was at the house, Mrs. Greenwood called LPD for help...[Full article here]
The Daily News Journal
June 21, 2009
A Rutherford County Sheriff's Deputy was fired Saturday after being arrested for domestic assault against his wife... Michael Greenwoord's wife, Sgt. Heather Greenwood, 31, resigned Friday after Sheriff's Office supervisors learned she was having an affair with a subordinate employee... The subordinate deputy, 23-year-old Joseph Vann, Jr., was suspended for one week without pay for violating department conduct policy. Michael Greenwood, 34, was booked into the Rutherford County Adult Detention Center. Before he was fired, sheriff's supervisors placed him briefly on unpaid suspension, decommissioned him and seized his issued firearms, uniforms, law enforcement ID and patrol car, according to the press release. "We took what action we felt needed to be done," said Virgil Gammon, chief deputy for the Sheriff's Department. "With 400 employees, you're going to run into this"... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence law enforcement lethal tennessee cop-on-cop michelle roderick]
ReplyDelete...I think we should all try to keep our comments as level-headed as possible. Remember just a few weeks ago our officers (city and county) were working nonstop helping tornado victims, and they all put their lives on the line every time they put that uniform on in order to protect you...
...Please, Police should and will be held to a higher standard..and thats the way it should be!!! Dosent matter if they have been working on tornato disater or not, they still have to be held to a higher standard and sholud not be making threats to anyone using a weapon ... just like the rest of us when we do something wrong ... we have to pay the price...
...There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON that should cause ANYONE to get violent over any kind of domestic situation. You get stressed or have problems with anger SEEK HELP, law enforcement has people to help them with just these kind of problems. But anyone from law enforcement to the lowest kind of scum has no right to hit, threaten with a gun or verbal abuse....
...I do believe this is the same officer who was involved in the shooting of a woman last year. HHHMMMMMMMMM. Guess he really has a problem with women!...
...you are correct the sad part is the same woman you are talkiing about got 8 years, it really makes you wonder who shot 1st in that case...
...Are you saying this officer was not at Sulphur springs when the lady got shot on the call at Sulpher Springs?...
...I am right! ex-officer Greenwood was one of 2 officers in the woods that day. He is not the one who actually shot the woman - he just pulled his gun and pointed and threatened to shoot...
...I remember this. This woman was shot in the arm and leg. I don't think she was attacking at all from a distance of 25 foot. Wish I had of been on that jury. I never did understand the "Over Kill" Shot in the leg for standing up from a laying position. Yes the woman was laying down "crying" with a walkman on her ears. Then shot in the arm for what?...
Michelle "Jag" Roderick was the woman in the woods that day. I can tell you, as her friend, she would NEVER harm another human being other than herself. Her past history reflects that. She has been suicidal since a little girl and the police officer's story does not correlate with the facts. She is lying down in the grass with headphones on listening to music. She hears a noise, she is alone. She jumps up, pulls the knife because in her past she was a victim of abuse. The police officer's automatically shoot this woman not once but three times and she gets 8 years and at each parole, she is denied. She was punished for what exactly? Pulling a KNIFE vs. a GUN oh wait, there was more than one GUN at the scene and two MALE police officer's against a female. I have issues with this and this story of the Deputy should weigh in on her incident heavily.
DeleteI agree 100% with the reply above. I am also a friend of Michelle's....
DeleteI agree too, as a friend of Michelle also. Michelle would have never hurt anyone! She was let down big time by the people [Police Force] who we are to trust. There is corruption everywhere it seems. Well I know who I believe and always have done. I always believe if something doesn't feel right Then is most probably isn't!!!! In this case it isn't. I feel sick to my stomach knowing that someone who was suffering with depression instead of getting the help she needed she got a prison sentence because of two SEXIST COPS! I strongly believe also in Karma what goes around comes around. Shaking my head in disgust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteGreenwood is my father. And Michelle did as matter of fact charge the other officer . He was just doing what he had to do. it's Code. And I was asleep when he threatened my mom. but I remember everything the days after. I just want to tell you guys how upset I am to see what all the rude and untrue things people have said or beleive. My father has and never will act like that. He is Happily Married and has never had another Domestic Violence case. He is a very nice man , and he was drunk that night. But you guys are extremely rude to say those things. Look through the papers and see what really happened. You guys hurt me. It hurts to see that people frame your own dad as some crazy person who hates all women. Him and my mom get along just fine today. Get straight people.
ReplyDelete...Deputy Greenwood pulled a private weapon on an unarmed person because of a personal issue. In my eyes, that should merit more than $2500 bail and a few hrs. in jail....
...Sgt. Greenwood was allegedly behaving inappropriately with a subbordinate. That should be a terminable offense, and she should not have been give the opportuntity to resign...
...The "innocent" victim in all of this is the 23 year old Deputy. Who will have his suspension reversed and his pay reinstated because Sgt Greenwood was a supervisor and he can very easily claim sexual misconduct. I would, to protect my job....
...Cops are just people and do what people do...
...Sgt. Greenwood is very much known for this type of behavior VERY MUCH...
...As far as the law enforcement issue goes, show me a person who hasn't screwed up at work and I'll show you a person that doesn't do anything. The only thing is, screwing up in that line of work isn't like leaving the fries out of your combo meal. The stakes are a little higher in this line of work. Mistakes happen and will continue to happen, but don't judge a person for their actions unless you've been in their shoes...
...Maybe she cheated; maybe she didn't. Cheating is not a capital offense. And maybe he mistreated her so badly that she was pushed into the arms of another man....
...If this guy's answer is to pull a gun and get threatening and aggressive every time he gets angry, no wonder his wife stepped on out him....
...Other than death of a family member, nothing hurts worse than a finding out a spouse cheated. Lucky for her he had the calm and experience of a well trained officer and although understandably emotionally distraught, he did not to pull the trigger. It's a shame the man lost his job over this. As long as the officer didn't use a government issued fire arm, he did nothing wrong in my eyes and should get his job back with back pay....
ReplyDelete...I guess it is all in who you know, the sergent was sleeping with one of her direct reports and she got to resign hmm. That must be because of here dad he in the Smyrna PO...
...He was there, but wasn't the one doing the shooting of the lady attacking them with a HUGE knife. Most people who know Michael know this doesn't sound like him. Sounds like more like someone trying to take the focus off of their wrong doing. Sadly many are posting on here stereotypical jargon when they don't actually know any facts other than those skewed by media reports...
...I believe this is the same officer that shot the lady on Sulphur Springs and claimed she attacked him first...
...This story makes me very angry. I know Michael and Heather personally . More so Michael and I am outraged that Michael has got the short end of the deal since Heather was the one cheating and was given the opportunity to resign. Of course Micheal has every right to get mad. No he should not have a pulled a gun on her and I am referring to what was reported. I am not sure of the facts as to why Micheal was arrested but how in the heck can the young deputy still keep his job and Heather had the chance to resign? Didn't know this till having a conversation with someone that her father works in the department or another local police department. Funny now it all makes since. Prayers do go out to Michael, Heather and their children to this very public family matter. Just know in my opinion I have never known this to be MIchael's character...
...This is another example that nepetism and cronyism doesn't work. The truth if RCSO would admit it is that deputies have responded to this couples residence when they lived off of Florence Rd. for domestic violence issues before. Mr. Greenwood has been previousely involved with domestic vio. an Order of Protection taken out by his wife. This was expunged prior to him being hired by RCSO. The RCSO knew of these charges, since RCSO responded, but hired him anyway. The wife has a long history of sexual misconduct, that occured when she was a student at the state law enforcement academy. RCSO was aware of this. Another incident invovled indecent exposure at a pool party attended by RCSO employee's and supervisors. This incident was captured and posted on the 'Net. Knowing that these incidents occured they go and promote her to Sergeant...
...This incident is just a example of a slew that occurred over the years at RCSO with the Admin. The majority of incidents occur with supervision, such as a Major for DUI (Lehew). A married Colonial (Farmer) for domestic assault/ relations with a subordinate. A married former Narc. LT. sexual relations with the then Chief Admin Dep. who was married to another Senior Administrator. A Det. Sgt. (Warf) who committed mail fraud (felony) against citizens. Another Det. Sgt.(Killings) who committed a felony and attempted to hide evidence in the case. This along with allegations of RCSO Admin. planting evidence in a recent trial involving the High Sheriff. These incidents aren't rumors, they were reported in our own paper....
...This isn't personnal, this is about the inefficient leadership...
ReplyDelete...Man, this is terrible. I know the Greenwoods fairly well and I am saddened by the situation. The worst part of this is that a seemingly happy and loving family living out the American dream has been shattered. I don't know many of the facts and am not laying blame, but Mike seems to be getting the shaft. The man has pretty much lost everything of importance to him in a matter of 2 days. I don't know many men who wouldn't be in shambles after having this pushed upon them...
...Chief Gammon told Ms. Gunn that Heather Greenwood had an outstanding record as a patrol supervisor and had been a detective. Michael Greenwood was a patrol deputy and never a supervisor. Ms. Greenwood resigned Saturday afternoon, not Friday as erroneously reported....
...Heather is not dumb, she grew up in a home with an officer of the law, she knows the law. Don't underestimate her at all, truly. Bad judgement yes, bad cops, no....
...The admin. doesn't want to mess with the wife. She knows where the bodies are buried. If she talked of her excapades and who was involved, it would bury the agency. They didn't fire Warf or Killings either. They also know things...
...I hope she does become disgruntled and decides to talk later on. I guarantee she knows enough to have an indictment or two handed out to higher level admin...
...As for this story, both of the Greenwoods were good officers. I hate that this happened to them. The simple truth of this is, it could have been avoided...all of it. From the affair on one part to the alleged assault on the other...
...What's interesting is that RCSO has responded to there former residence off of Florence Rd. before ref. to Dom. Vio. issues. A Dom. Vio. report was taken by RCSO. An Order of Protection was taken out by the wife and probably served on the husband by RCSO. Yet the agency hired the husband knowing that the parties have had Dom. Vio. issues in the past. Would RCSO hire anyone else who's had a previous OOP on them or would they deny them employment...
I don't know this couple but we have a mutual friend. I feel sorry for michael, his wife has had multiple affairs, his wife used to be a domestic violence detective, his wife was allowed to resign. No one knows what happened but those two but does any one else find it funny that Heather already has a job with another agency. Any one that has been around law enforcement knows that it is all in how you articulate it. Does anyone else think it is funny that she used to be a domestic violence detective and been the victim of domestic violence?
ReplyDeleteYou DON'T KNOW either of them but feel like it's okay through what you've HEARD to make a public statement about how many people she has slept with or her fidelity to her husband?
ReplyDeletePeople amaze me.
Nothing you said indicates anything. And since you DON'T KNOW them, that makes sense.
People live in glass houses and have skeletons in their closets including many of you on here who have posted. You have the right to free speach however, you have no right to judge without knowing the facts. Fact is and many including most of you, know he had a drinking problem that goes back many years. Yes there was a prior order of protection, reconcilement and attempt to make a life and move on many years ago. The children know of the drinking as does his family, many friends, his wife who had to live in it with the children and many others. All gave the benefit of the doubt, allowed him the chance to change and 13+ years later the drinking continued. As far as infidelity and other things, Michael should answer for that one as he knows the truth as to things that happened during the marriage that he himself did. There was violence against Heather before, nights he would not say where he was and would not come home, etc. Violence is one of his trademarks when drinking, but no one, I repeat NO ONE trained or otherwise has the right to get drunk and threaten the life of another to include the children (one of which was in the house) regardless of the circumstances. He was ordered to treatment many years ago and did not follow through, begged to stop without success except for one short period in time. He loved gaming and drinking better than spending time with family more times than most know. Again, say what you want, but no one deserves to have a weapon threaten their life while the person doing so is intoxicated beyond belief. The children are innocent and while it is sad that this happened, this has been going on for way too many years which again most of you may or may not know about. Take a look at your own lives and ask if you would have responded differently. I venture to think that if you had a gun in your face with the fear of the circumstances directly in front of you with your children to protect, that you would have or maybe have not done the same. It's over, what he did was wrong and criminal regardless of root cause and the children deserve to move forward with a happy and safe home. As it was, they have not been living that way for quite sometime. Take a look in the mirror sometime and ask yourself what you would do as this happens everyday to all families, not just police or sheriff's deputies. Facts are backed up by evidence and proof and hopefully you'll never be in the situation of fear those children and Heather were that night/morning. He was warned not to do anything rash and take some time apart before addressing it. Instead he chose the opposite and fault lies with him for the decisions he made regardless of the circumstances. He knew what was at stake such as his job, livelihood, family, etc. if he attempted to hurt himself or his family. Remember, he too was in law enforcement and worked domestic violence situations and knew the implications to taking such actions, yet he alone chose that path. There were people he could have called for help, he should have talked with his supervisor the night before this happened and explained what was going on and there are DEFINITELY people who could have helped him get through things better without alcohol and violence. That solves nothing. Life will go regardless of what happened. Those saying negatives should be careful as someday you yourself may be in this very same situation or maybe you already are and just won't admit it. Maybe you will never be in the situation that took place but if you are think about in advance how you will manage it as your life or that of your children or family could be endangered.
ReplyDeletePeople live in glass houses and have skeletons in their closets including many of you on here who have posted. You have the right to free speach however, you have no right to judge without knowing the facts. Fact is and many including most of you, know he had a drinking problem that goes back many years. Yes there was a prior order of protection, reconcilement and attempt to make a life and move on many years ago. The children know of the drinking as does his family, many friends, his wife who had to live in it with the children and many others. All gave the benefit of the doubt, allowed him the chance to change and 13+ years later the drinking continued. As far as infidelity and other things, Michael should answer for that one as he knows the truth as to things that happened during the marriage that he himself did. There was violence against Heather before, nights he would not say where he was and would not come home, etc. Violence is one of his trademarks when drinking, but no one, I repeat NO ONE trained or otherwise has the right to get drunk and threaten the life of another to include the children (one of which was in the house) regardless of the circumstances. He was ordered to treatment many years ago and did not follow through, begged to stop without success except for one short period in time. He loved gaming and drinking better than spending time with family more times than most know. Again, say what you want, but no one deserves to have a weapon threaten their life while the person doing so is intoxicated beyond belief. The children are innocent and while it is sad that this happened, this has been going on for way too many years which again most of you may or may not know about. Take a look at your own lives and ask if you would have responded differently. I venture to think that if you had a gun in your face with the fear of the circumstances directly in front of you with your children to protect, that you would have or maybe have not done the same. It's over, what he did was wrong and criminal regardless of root cause and the children deserve to move forward with a happy and safe home. As it was, they have not been living that way for quite sometime. Take a look in the mirror sometime and ask yourself what you would do as this happens everyday to all families, not just police or sheriff's deputies. Facts are backed up by evidence and proof and hopefully you'll never be in the situation of fear those children and Heather were that night/morning. He was warned not to do anything rash and take some time apart before addressing it. Instead he chose the opposite and fault lies with him for the decisions he made regardless of the circumstances. He knew what was at stake such as his job, livelihood, family, etc. if he attempted to hurt himself or his family. Remember, he too was in law enforcement and worked domestic violence situations and knew the implications to taking such actions, yet he alone chose that path. There were people he could have called for help, he should have talked with his supervisor the night before this happened and explained what was going on and there are DEFINITELY people who could have helped him get through things better without alcohol and violence. That solves nothing. Life will go regardless of what happened. Those saying negatives should be careful as someday you yourself may be in this very same situation or maybe you already are and just won't admit it. Maybe you will never be in the situation that took place but if you are think about in advance how you will manage it as your life or that of your children or family could be endangered.
ReplyDelete"Gin," your comment was too vulgar to post on this blog. Sorry.
ReplyDeletevirgil gammon biggest crook of them all,he belongs in prison.