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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

[TN] Officer Regina Thompson's dv - aggravated / armed assault & burglary

By Jill Monier
15 Sep 2008
A Memphis police officer has been arrested for aggravated burglary. The officer is part of the Organized Crime Unit. According to an affidavit, she drove her undercover car to her ex-boyfriend's house and used her duty weapon to allegedly assault him. Regina Thompson was arrested Monday morning and charged with aggravated burglary and aggravated assault. Court documents say she climbed through the window of her ex-boyfriend's house where he was asleep with another woman. She allegedly punched her ex-boyfriend in the face and pointed a gun at him while making threats then started tearing things off the wall. She also is accused of taking some clothes from his house. Thompson told police they could search the car where they allegedly found a gun loaded with five rounds. Thompson is being held on a $5,000 bond; she's expected to be in court Tuesday morning.[LINK]

1 comment:

  1. Posted by Shaun Chaiyabhat
    News Channel 3 Correction

    Some of the information included in the report below is incorrect.

    Regina Thompson does not have a restraining order against her. The order is against a different Regina Thompson. There has not been a restraining order filed against the Regina Thompson who is a Memphis police officer.

    Also, it is true the Post Commission does not have a record of Thompson being a certified law enforcement officer.

    However, the Memphis Police Department now confirms Thompson graduated from its academy in June of 2008 and is a fully certified police officer.

    The department has 6 months to report that to the Post Commission.

    Director Godwin says, "Every single Memphis Police officer on the streets with a badge and a gun has graduated from the academy"

    News Channel 3 strives for accuracy and when we make a mistake we correct it as soon as possible.


    * Regina Thompson charged with domestic violence of ex-boyfriend
    * Neighbor files for restraining order saying Thompson is 'stalker'
    * Police regulatory agency has no record Thompson is certified


    (Memphis, TN 9/18/08) There are more troubles for a Memphis undercover officer and now there's question if Regina Thompson should have been an officer in the first place.

    Thompson has two active criminal cases against her, but the problems don't end with her. The police department could catch some heat for allowing her to work at all.

    Thompson is an undercover officer with the elite Organized Crime Unit. Monday she was charged with domestic violence, and now, allegations she's a stalker. Either case, if proven, could cost her her job.

    Monday, an ex-boyfriend said Thompson ripped out his air conditioner, climbed through a window, then 'punched him in the lip and pointed a silver handgun at him'. At the time, he was in bed with another woman.

    The Memphis Police Association's president, JD Sewell says, "Domestic violence is a very serious accusation against a police officer because of federal law. Anyone convicted of domestic violence cannot possess a gun or ammunition. If you cannot have your ammunition, you cannot be a police officer."

    Last week, one of Thompson's neighbors filed for an order of protection, saying Thompson stalked and harassed her for two years. The woman says Thompson went to her work and started a fight. She also says Thompson 'keyed derogatory names on her vehicle'. When the order of protection goes through court, Thompson could be 'prohibited from owning, possessing, transporting, or using a firearm or ammunition', and that again, could mean her job.

    Police confirm Thompson joined the force in June 2007 and is a full-time commissioned undercover officer. But the police regulatory agency, Police Officer Standards and Training Commission, known as POST, says she may have no business being a cop at all.

    "We have no officer by the name of Regina Thompson on file with the POST Commission office as having been certified to be a full-time law enforcement officer in Tennessee," says Brian Grisham.

    The POST Commission says it could investigate this, and that could mean the police department and city were breaking the law for allowing her to work full-time without certification. So far, despite repeated requests, the department is refusing to open up Thompson's personnel file for our viewing.



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