There are more ways to help someone than put them back on the job. Maybe every state should have a special division for retraining resigned officers and helping them find a less stressful, unarmed new job.
But aggravated assault charges remain.
Rapid City Journal
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A Denver woman who shot at Custer sheriff's deputies and a state Highway Patrol officer who were checking on her well-being will not face attempted murder charges. Kachina McAlexander, 31, a 10-year veteran of the Denver Police Department, still faces three charges of aggravated assault against law enforcement, a felony carrying a steeper penalty... McAlexander was originally charged with three counts of attempted second-degree murder and the alternate counts of aggravated assault against law enforcement after an incident at a Custer motel in late March. The attempted murder charges were eliminated at a hearing this week before 7th Circuit Magistrate Judge Mark Marshall. Officers were summoned to the hotel after learning that McAlexander could be suicidal. When they arrived, McAlexander allegedly fired shots at the officers... [Custer County State's Attorney Tracey] Kelley said McAlexander has committed a crime and must be held accountable. McAlexander's next court appearance is a June 4 arraignment on aggravated assault charges. She remains free on a $50,000 bond. [Full article here]
posted by: Jeffrey Wolf written by: Kyle Clark
Apr 1, 2009
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - A Denver Police officer accused of shooting at other officers during a suicidal episode is not dangerous, according to a psychologist. Thirty-one-year-old Officer Kachina McAlexander of Aurora, a 10-year Denver Police veteran, is on unpaid leave from her job... charged with three counts of attempted second-degree murder and three alternate counts of aggravated assault. Authorities say Highway Patrol Trooper Todd Albertson and Custer County deputies Frank Kistler and Derek Booker found McAlexander with a gun in her hand and she fired several times at them. No one was hit... The psychologist, Dr. Dewey Ertz, "did not believe she was an imminent danger to herself or others," said state's attorney Tracey Kelley. If McAlexander posts bond, said Kelley, she must sign extradition papers ensuring she can be brought back to South Dakota for trial. The conditions of the bond also require McAlexander to maintain contact with mental health professionals and avoid alcohol and weapons... According to the Denver Post, McAlexander faced weapons charges in 2006 after firing at a television and at the walls of her home in Adams County. Like last week's incident, McAlexander was reportedly suicidal at the time. A judge acquitted McAlexander of the charges and an appeal by prosecutors was not successful. A spokesperson for the Adams County District Attorney would not provide information on the case to 9NEWS saying the case information is sealed. Denver Police are processing a request by 9NEWS to review McAlexander's disciplinary file... According to the affidavit, McAlexander told investigators she realized the men outside her hotel room were law enforcement officers before she started shooting... In addition to her police work, McAlexander, who lives in Aurora, sells real estate in the Denver metro area. Sterling Real Estate Group managing broker Rich Klapt said McAlexander has worked for the company as an independent contractor for several years. [Full article here]
posted by: Jeffrey Wolf written by: Kyle Clark
Apr 4, 2009
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - Kachina McAlexander has posted bond and left a South Dakota jail where she was being held after a shootout with local deputies. Authorities say McAlexander, a 10-year Denver Police veteran, shot at other officers who came to a motel in Custer on March 24 responding to a report that McAlexander might be suicidal. McAlexander's family offered their first public comments in the form of a telephone answering machine message Friday. "She's doing pretty good. She's in good spirits," McAlexander's mother says on the recording. "She wanted me to just let you guys know that she is innocent and she will get through and don't worry"... [Full article here]
She didn't resign from her job, she retired and will get a full pension. I was a friend and co-worker of ms. mcAlexander who attended her trial- and what do you think you get with a bi-racial, lesbian police officer in a small town?? An unfair trial and lies from the Custer officers involved. How could a trained police oficer with 10 years of 95% shooting accuracy miss 3 police officers from 3 feet away in a doorway?? Its called being tased by a rookie officer named Derek Booker who was immediately reprimanded and taken OFF the streets for his actions which almost got people killed. (He now works in New Mexico (Custer got rid of him) But the media doesn't ask why she had her gun in the first place? They just assume she's suicidal or crazy (she passed her psych eval too by the way.. after the shooting) You would think the media would pick up on that too. She had her gun because there were a series of three different knocks on her door in the middle of the night in a strange small town, so she took her gun with her to the door, and before she could identify herself as a police officer Mr. Booker tased her. My friend is doing well and enjoying her new life post all the lies printed about her in the media and is actually writing a screenplay about the events to tell the REAL TRUTH about what happened that night. She didn't resign from her job, she retired and will get a full pension. I was a friend and co-worker of ms. mcAlexander who attended her trial- and what do you think you get with a bi-racial, lesbian police officer in a small town?? An unfair trial and lies from the Custer officers involved. How could a trained police oficer with 10 years of 95% shooting accuracy miss 3 police officers from 3 feet away in a doorway?? Its called being tased by a rookie officer named Derek Booker who was immediately reprimanded and taken OFF the streets for his actions which almost got people killed. (He now works in New Mexico (Custer got rid of him) But the media doesn't ask why she had her gun in the first place? They just assume she's suicidal or crazy (she passed her psych eval too by the way.. after the shooting) You would think the media would pick up on that too. She had her gun because there were a series of three different knocks on her door in the middle of the night in a strange small town, so she took her gun with her to the door, and before she could identify herself as a police officer Mr. Booker tased her. My friend is doing well and enjoying her new life post all the lies printed about her in the media and is actually writing a screenplay about the events to tell the REAL TRUTH about what happened that night.
ReplyDeleteMaybe your site should focus on the lying Custer County officers who somehow lost the original audio recording of the incident, the evidence in the original camera photos did not match the videotaped (evidence) footage taken a couple hours later. the taserbarbs were moved into the hallway, then they stated in the trial that the taserbarbs missed her completly even though she had to be taken to the hospital and get them removed! Seriously people get the facts and dont just listen to what 9news tries to sell you to make a story!!!
Trial under way for former Denver officer
Sara Gandy, Kyle Clark
Jan 14, 2010
The jury trial has begun for a former Denver Police officer accused of firing her handgun at law enforcement officers in South Dakota... Attempted murder charges were initially filed but then thrown out nine months ago. At the time, Custer County Sheriff Rick Wheeler expressed disappointment at the ruling. "I really thought we would get a conviction," Wheeler, who had argued that his deputies' lives were clearly in danger during the incident, said. McAlexander and her family have not returned repeated calls requesting comment... A 2009 request by 9NEWS to view McAlexander's Denver Police disciplinary file was rejected on the grounds that an internal investigation was either ongoing or imminent... http://www.9news.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=130746&catid=222
Former Denver officer convicted of shooting at police
Jeffrey Wolf
Kyle Clark
Jan 15, 2010
A former Denver Police officer was found guilty on all counts... McAlexander was holed up in a Custer, S.D. motel room on March 24, 2009 when local officers arrived in response to a report that McAlexander might be suicidal... According to The Denver Post, McAlexander faced weapons charges in 2006 after firing at a television and at the walls of her home in Adams County. Like the March 24 incident, McAlexander was reportedly suicidal at the time. A judge acquitted McAlexander of the charges and an appeal by prosecutors was not successful. She is being held without bond at the Pennington County Jail while she waits for sentencing. She could be sentenced to 25 years in prison for each of the assault counts, plus a $50,000 fine for each count. The reckless use of a firearm charge comes with a sentence of up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $2,000... http://www.9news.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=130847&catid=339
Ex-Denver cop convicted of assault in S.D.
POSTED: 01/16/2010 01:00:00 AM MST
A former Denver police officer was found guilty on all counts Thursday after firing her handgun at local law enforcement officers in South Dakota last year. Kachina McAlexander, who resigned from her Denver job last April, was convicted of three counts of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer and one count of reckless use of a firearm... http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_14203623
Shooter convicted
Custer County Chronicle
Jason Ferguson
January 20th, 2010
After listening to three days of testimony about tasers, handguns and criminal intent, a Custer County jury needed only four hours to convict Kachina McAlexander, 32, of Denver, Colo., on all charges... McAlexander, a former police officer, hung and shook her head after the verdict was read, while some of her supporters in the audience began to cry.... McAlexander was convicted on three counts of aggravated assault—attempting to cause bodily injury to another person with a dangerous weapon. Because the assault was on police officers, the charges are a Class 2 Felony. She was also convicted on one count of reckless discharge of a firearm, a class one misdemeanor. http://www.custercountynews.com/cms/news/story-75710.html
Former DPD officer sentenced after firing at cops
Sara Gandy
Feb 23, 2010
A former Denver Police officer was sentenced to several years in prison for firing a handgun at local law enforcement officers in South Dakota. Kachina McAlexander, who resigned from her job with DPD last April, was previously convicted of three counts of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer and one count of reckless use of a firearm. McAlexander was sentenced Tuesday to five years for each of the three counts but the judge suspended three years of each sentence. The judge also ordered that the reduced sentence be served concurrently, meaning McAlexander will now spend two years behind bars unless she is paroled early. The judge told McAlexander she would be eligible after one year. McAlexander spoke in court Tuesday, apologizing for her actions, saying she was scared and would never try to intentionally hurt another law enforcement officer... At the sentencing, the state's attorney said McAlexander had not taken full responsibility for her actions and noted her history of firing guns when emotional... http://www.9news.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=133317&catid=339
They said it: Quotable quotes from 2010
Custer County Chronicle
December 29th, 2010
This past year the Custer County Chronicle was filled with great quotes... “I don’t know how you people can live with yourselves,” said a friend of Kachina McAlexander after McAlexander was convicted on all charges related to a March 24, 2009, shooting at the Super 8 Motel in Custer...
This case was a joke. I also was a friend and co-worker of ms. Mcalexander who attended the trial. Derek Booker lied and changed his story over and over because his story didn't make sense. But the judge did the best thing a slap on the wrist for an innocent person. She only served one year in prison and got paroled early because of idiot small minded towns people that just wanted to stay on the side of their local sheriffs and convict her. Maybe one day the truth will come out from the other two officers who testified and maybe it will weigh heavy on their conscious about the perjury committed by ofc booker trying to save his ass. Ms mcalexander was not suicidal and did not shoot at those cops. She was tased! Even the teaser expert testified that she would not have been in control of her body. And all these other stories about her being in another incident in is just plain false!! If a court case is sealed then obviously that complaint had no merit!