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[FL] Deputy Conner's dv attempted felony murder & aggravated stalking charges - A former Jackson County Sheriff's deputy nailed an opossum to a post near his estranged wife's house and unknowingly told an informant how he planned to kill the woman and her boyfriend... Conner, an auxiliary deputy with the Jackson County Sheriff's Office and a firearms instructor at Chipola College was looking for weapons, specifically weapons with silencers, vehicles and assistance with destroying evidence after the slayings...
Jackson County Floridan
04/22/09 - 08:19 PM
[Excerpts] The state attorney will not pursue an attempted murder charge state law enforcement filed against former reserve deputy Gregory Franklin Conner last month. Another charge, for aggravated stalking, remains in play, according to Assistant State Attorney Stan Peacock. Peacock said he filed a "no information" document on the attempted murder charge April 8. The document states that the state attorney found "insufficient evidence to prove all the necessary elements of this charge"... The proper charge is aggravated stalking because that's what we can prove"... According to a press release from FDLE at the time, an investigation led authorities to believe that Conner intended to kill his estranged wife and her boyfriend. Authorities said Jackson County investigators had received information indicating Conner was stalking the two... Earlier this week, an informant associated with the case was charged with misdemeanor perjury. Mike Morrison, spokesman for the FDLE, said Wednesday that the arrest of the informant played a role in the state attorney's decision to file the "no information" document on the attempted murder charge... Conner was the firing range master and a firearms instructor at Chipola College when he was arrested. He was also a reserve Jackson County deputy, and had served as a full-time deputy before taking the job at Chipola. [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence law enforcement murder plot florida]
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