HENDERSONVILLE POLICE OFFICER ARRESTED Hendersonville Police Department K-9 Officer Travis Rector was arrested over the weekend.BlueRidgeNow.com, Times-News
April 6, 2009

[Excerpts] Hendersonville Police Officer Travis Rector was arrested this weekend and charged with assault on a female. Rector, 29, was arrested Saturday, April 4 and charged with assault on a female. Rector was charged with striking [his wife] in the eye, according to court records...
State law requires that anyone arrested on suspicion of domestic violence must serve 48 hours in jail. Rector was not required to serve the 48 hour sentence after Judge David Fox waived that requirement by telephone on Saturday night. Hendersonville Police Chief Herbert Blake said that Rector has been suspended from the police department with pay as an investigation is conducted [Full article
[police officer involved domestic violence law enforcement north carolina teflon]
State law does not "require" that defendants serve 48 hours in jail. It states that a defendant "can be held" for up to 48 hours. The purpose of the law was that it took the ability of a Magistrate to release a domestic violence defendant away and gave the responsibility to a District Court Judge. If a judge is available at any time during the 48 hour period, that judge can release the Defendant. This is nothing new, and was not a "special courtesy" afforded to this officer. It is a common practice across the state for District Court judges to call in to the magistrate's offices to inquire if any hearings need to be held for domestic violence defendants.
ReplyDeleteI have never commented here, but your information is plain wrong in this case.
Perhaps then, Anonymous, you should contact blueridgenow.com and advise them of this "misinformation" since they published the information. This website is just posting a link to the story. Regardless, there is NO excuse for assault and battery being perpetrated on Anyone by Anyone. As a LEO, you Should Know That.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Too
First poster just posted to clarify the error in the story, and you replied with an angry rant? I'm confused... The first poster didn't excuse the officer's action.