[See indication of girlfriend's recant in comments.]
Wisconsin State Journal
By Ed Treleven
04/03/2009 11:04:47 AM CDT
[Excerpts] A former Wisconsin Dells police officer who was sued in November for allegedly forcing two National Guardsmen to lick urine from the ground was charged Thursday with stalking his former girlfriend. Collin H. Jacobson, 21, of Lake Delton, is free on a signature bond after appearing in Dane County Circuit Court on Thursday, where he was charged with stalking, false imprisonment and misdemeanor battery. Jacobson was arrested on March 25 after going to the woman's home in Sun Prairie a day earlier, purportedly to exchange belongings, but refused to leave and punched her in the arm, according to a criminal complaint... Jacobson and the woman broke up in November, and he took a job with the Albuquerque, N.M., Police Department... Jacobson would see her at parties and threaten to report her for underage drinking if she didn't do what he wanted, she told police. He also appeared to be watching and following her, she said. When she threatened to call police, she said, he told her to go ahead, because he could talk them out of doing anything. In January, police warned him to stop his stalking behavior. On March 24, he called her at home and asked to exchange belongings, and she reluctantly let him in, she told police. But he refused to leave, and when she tried leave he blocked the door and held her against the wall by her throat. She tried to run for the door again later but he grabbed her from behind and held her to the floor, she told police. [Full article here]
Journal Sentinel, Associated Press
Posted: Nov. 26, 2008
[Excerpts] Two Iraq war veterans allege in a federal lawsuit they were forced by Wisconsin Dells police officers to lap up what was believed to be urine. Wisconsin National Guardsmen Anthony Anderson and Robert Schiman filed the suit against the city of Wisconsin Dells, its police chief and three officers last week in U.S. District Court in Madison... The suit says officers Wayne Thomas and Collin Jacobson accused the guardsmen of urinating in public... In order to prove that it was not their urine and avoid citations, the officers made Anderson and Schiman lick the ground, the lawsuit claims. Schiman also was made to eat a plant that was drenched in the liquid, it states. After both Anderson and Schiman licked the wet ground, Anderson was forced to do it again after one of the officers claimed he didn't see it, the suit claims. The lawsuit states that Thomas, 19, was fired the same day as the incident and Jacobson, 20, was suspended for two weeks without pay [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence law enforcement stalking new mexico state politics teflon recant recanted]
Did you know Jacobson was not charged with anything! In either case
ReplyDeleteDo you know why?
ReplyDeleteIt was found out in the court case with the women that she lied under oath and it was her parents saying the things to the DA and the police and not her. so he was let go
ReplyDeleteShe changed her story so he wouldn't get in trouble.
ReplyDeleteand why would she have gotten in trouble?
ReplyDeleteThe comment says so HE wouldn't get in trouble, not her.
ReplyDeletewhy would she care if he got in trouble when she called the cops and that is what she wanted?
ReplyDeleteThe girl did not lie under oath, she told the truth while she was on the stand. Everything was dropped not because she changed her story. She never changed her story it was the same story since day one. Nobody but the judge knows why he let everything go. My guess is that he paid a lot of money for lawyers to save his ass from losing everything he ever had. The girl had nothing to do with him getting away with nothing. Maybe you people should know what you are talking about before you start running your mouth and acting like you know everything? Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteseeing if there is anyway to get in contact with the behind the blue wall?
ReplyDeleteThis will work
Anonymous to Anonymous
ReplyDeleteFor the one that thinks that Tori Bishup didn't lie on the stand. Sorry to inform you, but I was there when Tori was on the stand being questioned and was caught lying on the stand under oath....It was also noted that in the state of Wis you can not be charged with stalking when you are in a relationship with that person...She also lied to her parents on top of it that she was not having sexual relationship with Collin. When their were picture and text messages to prove it...
Just to let everyone know that Collin was not the arresting officer nor the officer that approached the two military men. He was not the officer that even made contact with the two men at anytime during the stop...he was the back up officer and that was it....also to up date everyone that the two military men also have a criminal history long before this all happened....I can tell u this two drunk fucking idiots that piss out back in a alley and gets caught doing it, would be stupid enough to lick there own piss, if it was subject to do so, not told to, but was told to prove it that they weren't doing what they were doing...also the two military men did not lick piss off the ground. One of the dumb ass took a leaf and put it in his mouth that he supposedly pissed on..
Collin was a dedicated police officer for Wis Dells and was in the wrong spot at the wrong time...