[TN] Sgt. Saunders' dv charge - 2 juveniles say they saw him hit their mother - ..."Sgt. Saunders is a 20-year veteran and has a very elite work record and has given a lot to this department and this community," [Clarksville Police Chief Al] Ansley said. "A lot of people including myself think a lot of him. This is an unfortunate incident. I'm concerned for his family and him, but the first priority is for this to work its way through the court. My respect for Tim Saunders is very high"...
Domestic assault charge against police officer dismissed
The Leaf-Chronicle
December 1, 2008
[Excerpts] A Clarksville Police officer arrested and charged with domestic assault last week had his case dismissed in court. Sgt. Timothy W. Saunders, 40, was arrested and charged with domestic assault on Nov. 21... Saunders does not have a history of domestic assault, according to a previous report. The charge was dismissed Friday in General Sessions Judge John Hestle’s court... The prosecutor nollied, or dismissed the charge. The matter will be internally investigated with the Clarksville Police Department, according to spokesman Officer Jim Knoll. [Full article here]
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