Previous entries:
- [CO] Deputy Hargrove's wife Julia died of blunt force trauma - ...Julia Hargrove "died of bleeding on the brain brought on by a blunt-force injury." Her husband, 32-year-old Michael Hargrove, told investigators he and his wife had been arguing on the night of January 14th and went to bed in separate rooms...
- [CO] Deputy Hargrove WON'T be charged with killing his wife Julia- Michael Aaron Hargrove, 32, a Pueblo County sheriff's deputy whose wife died under mysterious circumstances, will not face criminal charges, the district attorney's office announced last week...
Sheriff's deputy placed on leave after being arrested for DUI
Michael Hargove's suspension comes just two months after he was returned to duty from a previous leave.
The Pueblo West View
October 30, 2008
Pueblo County Sheriff's Deputy Michael Hargrove was placed on paid administrative leave following his arrest for driving under the influence on Oct. 25... Florence Police Officer Patrick Slattery after Sattery saw Hargrove driving erratically on U.S. 50. Slattery reported that Hargrove's vehicle swerved across the lane lines four times and nearly veered off the road... Hargrove refused a roadside sobriety test. Drivers have the option of a roadside test or a breathalyzer test... Hargrove wet himself and refused to take the breathalyzer test. At that time, his license was taken away from him and he was arrested on charges of driving under the influence and failure to stay within lane lines. This incident is the latest in a series of troubles for Hargrove, whose wife was found dead in their Pueblo West home on Jan. 15. Cause of death was blunt-force trauma. Hargrove was never charged of any crime in the death of his wife. Hargrove, who works in the Pueblo County Jail, was placed on paid administrative leave during that investigation. He was reinstated by the sheriff and allowed to return to work in August. [Full article here]
Deputy on leave after DUI arrest
Michael Aaron Hargrove was previously placed on leave while his wife's death was probed.
October 28, 2008
A Pueblo County sheriff's deputy who was placed on leave while the mysterious death of his wife was investigated earlier this year was placed back on leave after his arrest early Saturday on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol... “The sheriff's deputy who made the traffic stop determined that Mr. Hargrove was driving under the influence of alcohol,” Thiebaut said. Sheriff Kirk Taylor confirmed Hargrove was booked at county jail on suspicion of DUI and DUI per se. He said Hargrove has been placed on paid leave. He referred questions about details of the arrest to court documents. Formal charges and the documents to support them have not yet been filed in court, so details of the arrest are vague. Thiebaut said his office received investigative reports on the incident Monday, and is reviewing them for possible filing of charges, including DUI. Thiebaut said Hargrove already has been cited for failure to drive in a single lane. He has been summonsed to appear in court Nov. 10 on that infraction. Hargrove's wife, Julia Hargrove, 30, died at their home on Jan. 15 from a brain injury caused by blunt-force trauma after coming home from a night of drinking. The couple had argued that night at a belated Christmas party at the Pueblo bar where she worked. Hargrove left the party, and his wife caught a ride home several hours later with a co-worker. During a multi-agency investigation of Mrs. Hargrove's death, her husband was placed on paid administrative leave from the sheriff's department for almost eight months... Medical evidence proved inconclusive as to how Mrs. Hargrove sustained her fatal injuries. Based on those findings, Thiebaut did not charge Hargrove in connection with his wife's death... “If a medical doctor is unable to state whether a death of a person results from a criminal act or natural causes, then there is reasonable doubt,” Thiebaut's report issued on the incident stated. Thiebaut said a charging decision on Hargrove's driving incident is expected soon. Hargrove was released from jail on a personal-recognizance bond. [Full article here]
all of you idiots that write and post things , should have facts, not HEARSAY. i HAVE READ ALL OF THE REPORTS, i know u didnt talk about her falling off the bar table at 11:40 pm and how she disapearded for 2 ahours with the bouncer from the bar before making it home. i think that domestic violence is horrible. but you people are sheep, listen and follw wat every is told to u. news papers are not allways honest, selling is there business. i Think who ever wrote this should be strung up for telling lies, or not whole truths. Uneducated idiots. learn to research. as for peublos bars and police, they are tied together, there was no investigation, no talk of her blood alcohal level, 3times the legal limit, no one talks about the bar being responsible, or admitting she fell. You Owe Mike Hargrove a huge appology. If your wife died, i m sure most of you would turn to drinking, or drugs, he had to carry on and take of the rest of his family. So sheep,
ReplyDeleteI suppose my comment wont be approved, because, like the news paper, u do not like the truth and u dont like to give appollogies, I hope you are not christans, cause lies and false acusing, makes u judus.
ReplyDeleteGet your G.E.D. It takes a lot of work but it will be worth it.
ReplyDeleteSo True!
DeleteI HAVE READ ALL OF THE REPORTS and its (funny) how the bar had a camera and she was never seen falling on that camera. I happen to have grown up with them both and all of there friends in Ramona California. She was out of control because of him and feared her life because of him. It was not the first time he had kicked her in the head dumb shit. He gets no apology. Everyone that grew up around him believes without a doubt he killed her. Her family and closest friends fear mike with there lives. does that sound like a guy who is innocent. By the way would you want to apologize to him after he smashed your families car off the road and whipped them out because he was drunk driving. Please grow up and get some common sense. At least stick up for people with a little bite of a respectable back ground.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the one desiring apologies for the officer is himself an officer. His spelling seems quite similar to what I have seen on many initial reports that had to be corrected by clerks.
ReplyDeleteBeing a LEO does not make one honest, reliable, or any better than anyone else. This is done by each individual and the results vary widely.
Picking on spelling is desperate. Being a LEO doesn't make a person bad or a bad speller either.
ReplyDeleteit seems there are those who believe and those who don't. it doesn't make a difference to us who love her dearly to this day. its time we let Julia rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteNo one can decide for anyone else when to let it go. Each person has to make their own decision.