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Sunday, November 9, 2008

[SA] Mourning Police Cpt. Charlotte van der Westhuizen defends herself from court attacks

..."My sexuality, my womanhood, motherhood, my humanity, everything about me has been attacked in court. He shot my children and still I have to explain myself. Nothing has changed. I want my children back. I just want my children back"...

Previous entry:
A case I'm watching in South Africa. (Dynamics of abuse are global) - A policewoman whose husband allegedly killed her two children and step-child says she does not hate him... [Police Superintendent Marius] Van der Westhuizen tearfully pleaded guilty on all three counts, claiming he suffered from post- traumatic stress and diminished culpability....

I' want my kids back'
Independent Online, South Africa
By Karen Breytenbach
Nov 5, 2008
[Excerpts] A police official whose then husband shot her children broke down during cross-examination on Wednesday, saying she felt he and his lawyer were attacking every part of her being and hammered on all her perceived mistakes to score legal points. Captain Charlotte van der Westhuizen was questioned in minute detail about items she bought during her marriage to Marius van der Westhuizen, that he felt they could not afford. Defence attorney Milton de la Harpe interrogated Captain van der Westhuizen about why she began dressing up.... Asked why she bought underwear and two leather jackets... "You stand there and argue with me about the pool and the drain pipes. My children were killed two years and three months ago. Mr De la Harpe is my husband's divorce attorney. I have no insurance. I need things. I have to rent a car, because my husband took our car. I have to take care of myself. For 12 years, I cared for his (disabled) daughter Bianca. I paid her school fees, her clothes, her haircuts. This tit-for-tat is so stupid. My sexuality, my womanhood, motherhood, my humanity, everything about me has been attacked in court. He shot my children and still I have to explain myself. Nothing has changed. I want my children back. I just want my children back," she said, as people in court wiped away tears.... [Full article here]

'I was stressed and depressed'
Independent Online, South Africa
Fatima Schroeder
November 06 2008
[Excerpts] Marius van der Westhuizen, the police officer on trial for the July 2006 murder of his three children, claims he was exhausted by his wife's moody outbursts before the killing. Four months before the murders he approached her about trying to resolve their differences, but she did not take him seriously. Eventually in July 2006, after numerous arguments about her working hours and the state of her finances, he allegedly grabbed his service pistol and shot the three children while they were asleep. He admitted killing the children, but claims he had suffered from tremendous stress and depression... Van der Westhuizen faces three charges of murder after allegedly killing 21-month-old Antoinette, five-year-old Marius and 16-year-old Bianca. Bianca was Van der Westhuizen's daughter from a previous relationship, but his wife had looked after her for 12 years and treated her as her own. According to Mrs Van der Westhuizen, her husband killed the children after she refused to answer him when he asked her to choose between him and her work. She is a captain at Kuils River police station.... [Defence attorney, Milton] De la Harpe said it was his client's instructions that Mrs Van der Westhuizen spent large amounts on sweet things. She bought two boxes of marshmallow Easter eggs and finished them in a week. She ate a two-litre tub of ice-cream in one go and a bowl of icing sugar on another ooccasion... Sapa reports that the questions about her budget and her overspending caused Mrs Van der Westhuizen to burst into tears on Wednesday... [Full article here]


  1. Check out the update here:


    Also (a differnt story):


  2. Thank you. I will do them tonight... That really helps me a lot.

  3. Found this on an internet search and I had to tell you that a story is going to print today of a "Tea" being held in HIS HONOUR to sign a petition to go to court to have his case reviewed before sentencing, claiming HE WAS ABSUSED. I don't care if your legs are blown off and you grew up in a concentration camp - you don't kill your children.

  4. Sentencing of ex cop delayed
    August 31 2009 at 05:29PM

    Sentencing proceedings in the triple murder trial of former police officer Marius van der Westhuizen were delayed on Monday.

    The Cape High Court put the matter off to September 21 after being told a probation officer had not yet completed reports the court required.

    Van der Westhuizen was found guilty in May of shooting dead his three children at their Brackenfell home on July 28, 2006. - Sapa


  5. Jane Cohen who has organized a tea party and petition to assist Marius van der Westhuizen is is deluded. Marius van der Westhuizen MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD his three children while they slept in the safety of their own beds in his home. There is NO valid excuse for his sociopathic behaviour. Ms Cohen should see a psychiatrist before she or some innocent woman or child becomes the next victim. Van der Westhuzen's wife will never be free of his abuse - including the fear of him punishing her further - as long as he remains in a position to beguile people like Cohen.

  6. All I would like to reiterate is... I was in personal contact and befriended with both parties, in my personal opinion, Marius deserves the punishment he inflicted on himself, there is no excuse at all for taking the life of not one.. but 3 children. I used to see them everyday and even played with the children, I don't know who he thinks he's trying to fool.... us?... or himself? Marius is we conversed in the procedures of the law and should accept his fate like every other criminal. Marius... may God have mercy on your soul the day you finally have to stand in his judgement, and I pray that the sentence you will recieve will not be as lenient as the one man will bestow upon you.

  7. Ek hoop Marius brand in die hel, vir wat hy aan die arme onskuldige kinders gedoen het, en nie enige kinders nie, sy EIE KINDERS. Ek hoop hy het net smart en hartseer in die tronk en ek hoop hy kry wat hy verdien in die tronk

  8. I hope Marius burns in hell for what he have done to his OWN children. I hope he will suffer in jail as much as he deserves and more. I can't believe that there are people who take his side.

    There are NO mercy for those who kill especially their own flesh and blood. He must rot in jail and I hope the other jailbirds will give him all hell and suffering. Cause that is what he deserves...

  9. Weet enuge iemand waar of hoe ek vir Charlotte in die hande kan kry?

    1. Ons as familie gaan deur die verlies die heel tyd. Ons almal mis die kinders en sien wat dit aan Charlotte gedoen het en steeds doen. Ek wens die pyn en hartseer nie eens aan my ergste vyande toe nie. In my eerlikke mening verdien hy nie parool nie en die aantuigings wat hy teen Charlotte maak van mishandeling is blatante leuns en hy was die een wat mishandeling uit gedeel het. Mens kon wel nie dit uiterlik sien nie , maar almal van ons wat Charlotte ken het dit beleef. As enige persoon 'n mening wil lig oor die saak, is hulle vry , maar maak eers seker van die ware fyte voor jy iets opper.

    2. Translated:
      We as a family go through loss all the time. We all miss the children and see what it has done and is still doing to Charlotte. I wouldn't even wish the pain and sorrow on my worst enemies. In my honest opinion he does not deserve parole and the allegations he makes against Charlotte of abuse are blatant lies and he was the one who shared the abuse. You couldn't see it from the outside, but all of us who know Charlotte experienced it. If any person wants to express an opinion on the matter, they are free, but first make sure of the true facts before you raise something.

  10. AnonymousJune 19, 2024

    Marius van der Westhuizen was granted parole today after serving 13 years. that is around 4 years per child he murdered. This is beyond comprehension.


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