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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

[VA] Sheriff's Investigator Bob Canosa has died after being shot multiple times by wife Brenda

Previous posts:

Orange County Sheriff’s Office investigator Bob Canosa died Sunday afternoon at the University of Virginia Medical Center.
Culpeper Star Exponent
Rhonda Simmons
Published: December 20, 2009
Updated: December 21, 2009
[Excerpts] Bob Canosa, a veteran investigator with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, died Sunday afternoon at the University of Virginia Medical Center, succumbing to complications from multiple gunshot wounds he suffered nine days ago, according to the Virginia State Police. He was 55. VSP spokesman Sgt. Les Tyler said Special Agent M.L. Jones has charged Canosa’s estranged wife, Brenda Lee Canosa, 49, with first-degree murder. Brenda Canosa, who is being held at Central Virginia Regional Jail in Orange, also faces felony charges of malicious wounding and using a firearm in the commission of a felony... Orange County Sheriff’s Office is not releasing a transcript of the emergency call, saying it could jeopardize the case. Bob Canosa’s death comes on the heels of what could have been viewed as promising news in his recovery. Last week, a source close to the family said the victim had undergone surgery to repair his pancreas and aorta. He was also reported to be responding to questions and was aware of what happened to him... Bob Canosa coordinated Orange County’s citizens law enforcement academy, a function he also performed while at the Culpeper County Sheriff’s Office in the mid-2000s. He started his law enforcement career in Culpeper in the early 1970s before moving to the town of Orange Police Department. After retiring from a lengthy tenure of police service in Suffolk, N.Y., he was brought to Culpeper to work on a part-time basis in 2004 by former Sheriff H. Lee Hart. He took the job in Orange in August 2007, shortly before Jim Branch was elected Culpeper’s sheriff. [Full article here]

Wife of slain Orange sheriff's investigator still being held with no bail on murder charges in his death
The Free Lance-Star
Robin Knepper
Date published: 12/22/2009
[Excerpts] The estranged wife of a slain Orange County sheriff's investigator will stay in jail for the foreseeable future while waiting to face charges in his death. Bob Canosa, 55, died Sunday morning as a result of multiple gunshot wounds he received Dec. 11.... Brenda Lee Canosa, who lives in Rochelle in Madison County, has now been charged with first-degree murder and the use of a firearm in commission of a felony. Previous charges of attempted murder and malicious wounding have been dropped... Canosa underwent multiple surgeries for his wounds at the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville. According to Chief Deputy Tim Murphy, Canosa was moved from the intensive-care unit last Wednesday and "was getting remarkably stronger every day." Murphy said he was told that Canosa "developed an infection, but someone also said he got a blood clot in his lung." Canosa was returned to the intensive-care unit, where he died late Sunday morning. Brenda Lee Canosa, 49, was scheduled to appear in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court yesterday afternoon, but snow from the weekend storm kept her attorney, Dana Slater, from making it to court. Nevertheless, J&DR Judge Frank Somerville heard from Slater by telephone and as a result Canosa's status was not changed. Bail has not been sought and Canosa continues to be held in Central Virginia Regional Jail in Orange. A preliminary hearing will be held in J&DR court Feb. 8 to determine probable cause for an indictment in Orange County Circuit Court... [Full article here]

Charlottesville Daily
Published: December 22, 2009
[Excerpts] ...Judge Frank Sommerville denied her request for bail last week. The Orange County clerk added that Brenda Canosa’s lawyer, Charlottesville’s Dana Slater, could request another bond hearing before the next court appearance. Brenda Canosa is being held at the Central Virginia Regional Jail in Orange. Meanwhile, the local tight-knit law-enforcement community is mourning the death of one of its own. Canosa, 55, was an investigator with the Culpeper County Sheriff’s Office before transferring to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office in 2007. He died Sunday afternoon at the University of Virginia Medical Center from complications from the multiple gunshot wounds he suffered Dec. 11. Bernie Feaganes III, a Prince William County deputy who worked closely with Canosa on developing the Citizens Law Enforcement Academy in Culpeper, said he was shocked by the reported shooting and his friend’s death. “It was like a punch in the stomach,” said Feaganes, who also left Culpeper County’s Sheriff’s Office in 2007. “I guess I let my guard down when I heard reports of him sitting up and talking last week.” Canosa reportedly had undergone surgery to repair his pancreas and aorta. It was also reported that he was conscious and responding to questions. Feaganes, who still lives in Culpeper, said he and Canosa remained friends even after both men left their law enforcement jobs in Culpeper. “Bob and I were really close, even up to the end,” Feaganes added. “Bob was one of the finest men I’ve ever known. He was one of those people who treated everybody the same.” Feaganes said a 10-minute trip to Walmart with Canosa to gather supplies for the academy would last an hour. “He spoke to everyone... That was the type of person he was”... Culpeper County Sheriff Jim Branch, who also worked with Canosa under former Sheriff H. Lee Hart, shared his condolences Monday. “We have been dealing with the shock of Bob’s being shot and intently following his recovery progress. His untimely death saddens us in the law enforcement community... We will miss his outgoing, pleasant personality as well as his expertise as an officer. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and to those whose lives he touched. He will be missed and fondly remembered.” Phone calls and e-mails to Orange County Sheriff Mark Amos were not returned as of press time... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner abuse law enforcement public safety fatal fatalities murder female virgina state shot shooting robert canosa]


  1. My heart and prayers go out to Brenda Canosa and her two beautiful children who love and adore their mother as well. Please remember, she is innocent until proved guilty. She is totally incapable of committing this crime, and it is unjust and unfair to falsely accuse her. She also is feeling the loss of her husband, regardless if they were divorcing.

  2. 2 comments from an earlier post:

    Anonymous said...
    Please pray for the family of Bob Canosa during this time of mourning. Investigator Canosa succumbed to his injuries Sunday afternoon at the UVA Medical Center. He was an excellent deputy, teacher, and leader.

    Behind The Blue Wall said...
    I'm praying for the full collective friends and families of both Bob and Brenda, for Brenda and their children, and for all the law enforcement hurt or angered by this killing. It's awful from every angle. Heartbreaking.

  3. This is a tragedy of the highest proportions. Bob was a wonderful human being, and will be terribly missed. For those who knew and loved him, life will never be the same.

  4. To the person who tried to post OLD and negative info on Bob Canosa today - I think you should check your intentions. What is your point? He's dead. If you have some current info that effects the murder case that would be different.

  5. Estranged wife denied bond in slaying of deputy
    The Free Lance-Star
    By Robin Knepper
    February 23, 2010 12:36 am
    The estranged wife of an Orange County deputy sheriff accused of his slaying will not be granted bond. Orange County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Judge Frank Somerville denied bond for Brenda Lee Canosa, 49, yesterday. She will remain in Central Virginia Regional Jail charged with first-degree murder and the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony... [Full article here]

  6. Chief William Hart Londonderry, NH Police Dept Corrupt

    "Judge Muirhead expressed his opinion that the plaintiff has an excellent case and that it seems quite clear that both the Londonderry Police Department and Rockingham County Attorney William Hart-whom the judge claimed to know as the source of numerous problems and errors-had acted inappropriately in their dealings with Mr. Coltin. Frankly, I have never observed Judge Muirhead to be quite so free with his criticisms and opinions as he was during this particular conference. Obviously, in light of the magistrate judge's strong feelings in favor of the plaintiff in this case, we did not agree to have this case assigned to Judge Muirhead as we had previously

  7. Tami Plyler Executive Editor of the Union Leader In Criminal Misdemeanor Violation of NH State Law being investigated by NH Attorney General’s Office

    Friday October 8, 2010

    By: Cara Stevens

    Manchester, NH--- Tami Plyler the new Executive Editor of the financially strapped Union Leader is already in trouble with the law after less than two months in her new job for a violation of NH State Law RSA 651.V.XII, which is a criminal misdemeanor.

    Edward C. Domaingue, the licentious former Executive Editor who was forced out by the Union Leader last month ran a series of stories in 2009 and again in 2010 that were written by Trent Spiner, a junior level journalist who has since also fled the beleaguered tabloid.
    The issue is that an innocent man was charged with crimes by the Londonderry Police Department brought by Jennifer Keller of Nashua, NH who was refused a rental apartment by the man because Keller had a criminal record, was a drug addict and worked as a stripper.

    The woman filed assault and criminal threatening charges against the man and the Londonderry NH Police Department failed to investigate the evidence in that case; evidence that would have exonerated the man early on and in many respects attempted to railroad the innocent man. The charges against the man were dropped when Keller fled NH when pressed to testify. Keller had attempted to file similar charges against three other men in the past five years, the Londonderry NH Police Department knew this, yet failed to investigate that evidence.

    The NH law RSA 651.V.XII makes it illegal to report information on an individual who has had charges brought against them but where the charges were either dropped or a non-guilty verdict was reached and where the arrest and charges were later annulled and expunged.
    RSA 651.V.XII, reads as follows: A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if, during the life of another who has had a record of arrest or conviction annulled pursuant to this section, he discloses or communicates the existence of such record. The piece from Jo-Ann MacKenzie published as Editor of the Derry News and continues to be found online falls into this violation of NH State Law.

    “Basically Tami Plyler is in violation of this NH State law, as the articles are not correct and the information contained in the piece are downright lies written by Trent Spiner and approved by Ed Domainque and continue to be allowed to be run online by Tami Plyler,” said Jane Dunn, a journalist for the Fifth Estate. “I have read over the Union Leader’s articles and the facts of the case and the articles are sensationalistic, the facts distorted and no real balanced substance regarding the facts exists in the articles, basically something a cash strapped tabloid would write to sell papers,” said Dunn.

    Tami Plyler was notified of the violations of NH State law but refused to remove the articles. The Union Leader’s attorney Gregory V. Sullivan of Malloy & Sullivan, Lawyers, 78 West Merrimack Street Manchester, NH 03101, provided the following written response to the violation of RSA 651.V.XII:

    “I represent the Union Leader Corporation and its employees and agents. I do not agree with your opinion regarding the duties of media following the annullment (spelled as written by Sullivan) of arrest or court records, said Sullivan. “ I will be pleased to discuss this matter with you, or your representatives, at any time, “ said Greg Sullivan.

    However when contacted Mr. Sullivan refused to respond or to comment on the articles and the violation of the RSA. “Mr. Sullivan seems to think he can overwrite the law on the books in NH without any regard to due process,” said Casey Clark, a close family friend of the man.


    Star Exponent
    By: Rhonda Simmons
    Published: December 30, 2009
    [Excerpts] Veteran investigator Bob Canosa received a full military funeral Tuesday afternoon, complete with a 21-gun salute and burial at Culpeper National Cemetery... Canosa, 55, a former Marine and investigator with the Culpeper County Sheriff’s Office, died at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville Dec. 20, succumbing to multiple gunshot wounds he received nine days prior... Before Tuesday’s burial, about 400 law enforcement personnel, family and friends squeezed into the tiny chapel at Preddy Funeral Home in Madison for a 15-minute memorial service... His daughter’s voice quivered as she read from a framed letter she wrote in the fifth grade about her beloved father. “An extremely important person in my life is my awesome dad. His name is Bob,” Caitlin Canosa read to the captivated audience. “My father has brown eyes, brown hair and a brown mustache, of course. He’s as tall and handsome as a movie star. His smile is bright like a star in the crisp night sky. His laugh is as loud as a hyena, and his heart is as big as a house”... Deputies and officers from across the region — donning black bands over their badges — made up the majority of the audience... [Full article here]


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