Wednesday, March 11, 2009

[MN] HUGE Ex-Trooper Andrescik's girlfriend: "I cannot risk my life like this anymore..."

...The girlfriend allegedly told deputies that she has received about 25 black eyes from Paul... He is charged with two counts of misdemeanor domestic assault: to intentionally inflict or attempt to inflict bodily harm on another; and to

commit an act

to cause fear

of immediate

bodily harm

or death...

Minneapolis Star Tribune
Mar 5, 2009
[Excerpt] A former Carver City Council member and retired state trooper has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor domestic assault of a woman and will be sentenced to 10 days in jail, the Carver County attorney's office said Thursday. The plea by Paul S. Andrescik, 44, involves an assault on Sept. 6. As part of the agreement, a domestic assault charge is being dropped against Andrescik from another incident on Feb. 4 involving the same woman... [Full news item here]

Last month's news:

...They found the alleged victim sitting in a closet, “balled up on the floor in a fetal position”...


Chaska Herald
Mark Olson
February 11, 2009
Paul Andrescik, 44, a former Carver city councilor and retired state trooper, was recently released on bail from Carver County Jail, following charges of domestic abuse. The recent charges of misdemeanor domestic assault follow a domestic abuse charge filed last September at the Carver County Government Center... Andrescik’s girlfriend was the alleged victim in both cases... Carver County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to Andrescik’s 710 Debbie Lane address in Carver at 10:52 p.m., Feb. 4, following the latest report of domestic assault. Once at the residence, they spoke with the 34-year-old girlfriend, who “broke down crying and stated she needs to do something or she will end up being killed,” the report stated... The authorities learned about the alleged assault from Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women. A friend of Andrescik’s girlfriend had contacted the agency after receiving a text message that stated, “OMG Paul just beat the crap out of me. I had to kick his windshield and forehead to get him off me. He threw me out on the ice while the truck was moving [My child] and I are packing. I cannot risk my life like this anymore,” the complaint reported. Police found Andrescik’s vehicle at a Chaska motel, with the passenger side of the windshield smashed. Authorities knocked on the door and announced he was under arrest for domestic assault, however, “After 30 minutes, the defendant would not open the door.” Andrescik was later taken into custody. He is charged with two counts of misdemeanor domestic assault: to intentionally inflict or attempt to inflict bodily harm on another; and to commit an act to cause fear of immediate bodily harm or death... In a Sept. 6, 2008, incident, deputies responded to Andrescik’s home at about 1:30 a.m., following a report of domestic abuse against the same woman. They found the alleged victim sitting in a closet, “balled up on the floor in a fetal position.” The girlfriend allegedly told deputies that “she has received about 25 black eyes from Paul since July of 2007 with the most recent occurring on Thursday of last week” and that he “put a gun in her mouth last October,” the complaint stated. Deputies observed bruising on her lower back and upper thigh...
Following taking the victim’s report, the deputies placed Andrescik under arrest, using two sets of handcuffs due to his size...
According to his election biography, Andrescik served 16-1/2 years as a state trooper, retiring with the rank of station sergeant. His duties included executive protection detail, guarding Lt. Gov. Joan Benson. [Full article here]


  1. How the hell do you retire after 16 years? Jesus, what a bunch of spoiled brats.

    Wanna know one huge reason this country is broker than a bastard? Cause gov employees make too much money, and retire too early.

    Did you know almost half the fireman in CA file for disability? There are many thousands of fireman and cops on disability in CA.

    I know of a cop that claimed he was disabled cause he wore a gun. He said that gun was too heavy, made one side hurt, and wanted 4,000 a month the rest of his life for disability.

    He didn't get it. But a lot of them do.

  2. This man is my uncle, and yes, he does deserve what he has coming to him. His early life dealt him a hard hand. Most people don't know this. This is no excuse to justify what happened, and I am the first to believe that.

    But, he also has a good side to him, that I love and remember and I want people to know that. Instead of bashing everyone, let's just pray for the victims and pray for others to get the help that they desperately need.

    Let's not be to quick to judge.

    Save that for God.

  3. You can thank your uncle for putting you in the situation of even having to post a comment.

    Its bad enough he got the first domestic, but how dare he attack her a second time before he goes on trial for the first one.

    What is wrong with Carver County?

    After he kills someone

    Will you be back on here making excuses for his hard life?

    There are alot of people how have had it much harder. You dont see them continuously hurting people

    I'am sad for you!

  4. This entire situation seems terrible. Apparently there is a child involved. I'm just trying to understand why she was still with him after the first domestic, the 25 black eyes and the gun in her mouth. Hopefully she finds the strength needed to realize she doesn't deserve to be treated this way.

  5. Okay..I am "her" I am not a stupid woman..I was actually trying to provide a better life for my children. This man who had such a horrible chilhood , that he also uses as an excuse, was very convincing & I unfortunately fell for it. For those of you who think it is so easy to just "get out?" Out where? How? Where? What $? Anyone want to assist? didn't think so...I know...

  6. Hugs! Email me please.


    And Andrescik, if you are reading this - I don't get info from victims and put it on the blog - ever, so breathe.

  7. AnonymousJune 22, 2009

    My understanding is that the term "retired" is a euphemism for "required to find employment elsewhere due to conduct unbecoming of an officer". He is one of those guys that feels he is above the law. I figured out he was an asshole the first day I met him, and he only reinforced that every encounter after.

    By all rights, he should have gotten a much stiffer sentence, such that he could no longer legally possess a weapon.

    I don't understand why anyone would stay in a situation like this either but never having been in that situation it is hard to say. I do believe that there are places who could have helped but again, when you actually fear for your life and the lives of your children, it is a very tough thing to do.

    I hope Paul gets the help he needs to handle life and more importantly I hope his victims get the help they need to heal.

  8. AnonymousJune 27, 2009

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

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  10. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

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  11. hoping Joe gets the help he needsJuly 16, 2009

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  12. AnonymousJuly 17, 2009

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  13. AnonymousJuly 19, 2009

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. AnonymousJuly 23, 2009

    Wow, those closest to the kids seem to be more consumed with posting "Anonymous" comments on this site, trying to make the other look bad, than they really are about anything else.

  15. To the last commenter, just so you know, it's not clear what you are trying to say.

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  22. Seems like the previous poster has some anger issues of their own that they need to deal with.

  23. Jesus! I am the "real" Shanyn and the only post on here that has ever came from me is the very first one on April 12th. It's too bad that anyone can post on here claiming to be someone they are not. I do not in any way think people can change. They can only be more careful in who they show their true selves to.

  24. Shanyn do you want me to take them down?

  25. Yes please I would appreciate that.
    Thank You

  26. It kills me that some idiots really think that she can just walk out of the door and continue on her way. Really? Have you walked a mile in her shoes? Do you know what its like not to have a dollar to your name and live in total fear for your life? You have no right to judge Shanyn and your ignorance is astonishing. As for the help you say people have offered her really???? I don't recall anyone saying "Come to my house I will take care of you and your children" People who can stand back and say she should or I would are complete idiots because they have never been there. Shanyn, keep doing what you are doing you have true friends who support you 100%

  27. Thank you Heather & I know you are the one who I can turn to when I need help. All of the annonymous posters on here who have an awful lot of ignorant opinions w/ no plausible options other then to give my kids away & move near a busline can keep their posts to themselves. There's not a woman in the world who is trying HARDER than I am!

  28. Keep your head up Shanyn! Your an amazing women with a good head on your shoulders! Your on the right track now...just be patient and everything else will fall into place.

  29. Not doing something for this woman will be one of the biggest regrets of my life. Shanyn is an amazing beautiful woman not only on the outside but also on the inside. Anyone who knows her will tell you she is beautiful, kind, smart, funny & an all around good person. I witnessed this monster abusing her one night in a bar in the town we both live in. You could tell she was scared to death of him but didn't want to ask for help. We all just sat there as he drug her out by the back of her neck. The next day I saw her at her gas station w/ a black eye & I ignored her. I have since apologized to her for my lack of actions & she assured me that she is no longer w/ this monster & the only thing he ever did to or for her was make her a stronger person & she told me to stop feeling guilty that the only person who should feel regret is Paul. Congratulations on getting out Shanyn you are an amazing girl!

  30. Thank you for sharing that because maybe it will help others to think ahead of what they will or can do when they see the violence right in front of them. Then they will be more prepared to act.

    I'm thankful everyone in this is still alive.

    Paul, God is real.

    Yeah, that came out of nowhere because it's meant for you to hear. It's not spoken in churchiness. Just soul to soul.

  31. Shanyn's a cool chick. She would do anything for anybody. It's sad what this man (if you can call him that) did to her. She's doing awesome now & I'm happy as hell for her.

  32. I am the "child" listed in the article and shanyn's oldest daughter. In response to the person that stated that Shanyn is only teaching her daughters that abuse is okay by staying with Paul, that is not true in any shape or form. Yeah, listening to my mom get beat up in the room above mine every night is totally going to make me think that that kind of life is acceptable. My sister and I are not stupid. And to all you people that are accusing my mom of endangering us, you have no idea what it was like for us. You try living with a man for 3 years that controlled you and hurt you and made you feel awful about yourself every day. We had no money, and how was my mom supposed to make any if Paul wouldn't even let her get a job? We had to wait for him to finally leave before we could get out.

    And all I have to say is I am extremely grateful that he is gone and out of our lives, and I hope he dies somewhere miserable and alone. He deserves it.

    1. Sorry Devyn. I'm thankful we are both in a good place now. I'm most thankful you turned out to be a pretty amazing person regardless of.....fill in the blank. LOVE

  33. AnonymousMay 30, 2011

    wow that is so sad...then he came to oklahoma and tried to make my life just as miserable..guess goes to show people never change

  34. To the last poster from Oklahoma-is he still there? I have been worried about him showing up at my door. I would be interesting in hearing your story. And trust me you are not stupid either. He can be very convincing & manipulative at the beginning!

  35. Be careful, and you are both welcome to use me as the middle by emailing me. I am so careful.

  36. AnonymousMay 31, 2011

    I knew this man years ago. He never hurt me but he was a very dangerous man. I'm sorry to hear about your pain this man caused you. You truly are a strong brave women. I was told by many people to get as far away from him as possible and that is what I did thank god. and yes you are very right he is very convincing & manipulative.

  37. AnonymousJune 01, 2011

    one thing I learned in the year with this monster was when your guard is down is when he will strike. So any one who comes across him should always look into those evil eyes and never forget that!

  38. AnonymousJune 14, 2011

    Convincing is an understatement. This man comes off as a good ole boy. He will tell you of his great past and work ethic. That he was Sergeant for the state trooper and decided to retire. Look into his past. This is not the case. The State will not release the file but I can tell you that I have talked to troopers that know him and know why he got dismissed. Before he ruined your life in Ok he came to Colorado and ruined others after leaving Minnesota. The man is a cheat. He will say whatever he can to get his way and take advantage of every situation. No one here is alone and I would bet that as we speak someone else is being taken advantage of

    1. Gossip is evil and most often than not twists and turns things in favor of the commenter.

  39. AnonymousJune 14, 2011

    People don't seem to like this guy very much. Where is he now?

  40. He's living in a motel in Edmond Ok alone & miserable which is where he belongs. I sure hope any other woman who he pursues in the future will have enough sense to read these posts & believe them over his lies. He already had one believing that I was the problem in our relationship & he was the victim. Not surprising in the least!!

    1. Shanyn, Paul is again passing the story that he was an alcoholic and so were you and therefore he states that you and him were in a violent relationship. He thinks his actions were justified because you hit him first.

  41. Remember folks, there is a real Shanyn and a fake Shanyn.

  42. I think the fake Shanyn is done posting. That was my ex trying to make me look bad during a custody issue he didn't get anywhere with.=>

  43. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    okay what was it that happened in colorado might i ask

  44. If you want any of the comments better print them out because I will have to take some of these unsubstantiated comments down. Anyone can say anything anonymously and that puts me in an ethical position. There but for the Grace of God go any of us. If someone has something to substantiate additional info forward it to me.

  45. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011

    If there is no cop hating why are there comments from somebody who obviously knows nothing about the retirement age of police, what they make after retirement and what the job involves physically and mentally allowed to stay up? They have nothing to do with the victim or the situation, just an attempt to say why the country is broke LOL! Really? Is that something that needs to be posted at the start of all this?

    Somebody with some sense figured out "retired" just meant not working as a cop for WHATEVER reason in this case.

  46. Looking forward to the day you have something constructive to share.

  47. Or people could stop posting anonymously?! What's the point?

  48. Jon NelsonJuly 08, 2011


    I just came across this blog and couldn't believe it and I had to comment! I don't have a problem posting my name - It's Jon Nelson and if you ever need ANYTHING or you feel threatened, You can call me! I will get my number to you. I know enough people that will help no matter how big a person is. When I was young, my Mother was in the same situation and I was too young to do anything back then to help her but I can help you! Keep living your life and know that there are people who care!

  49. Does anyone have an idea of where Paul Andrescik is now?

    Thank you

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. I don't think saying who they are is a good idea at all, and I can think of several legitimate reasons for wanting to know where he is.

  52. Uhhhgggg...I can't post on here any longer as there's no way to discern if its really me which the last dumbass post was not. if anyone wants to chat.

  53. Don't go. We need you here to say it's not you.

  54. I would like to know where he is at. I do not dare give my name away as i am afraid of the man for numerous reasons. I am on your side Shanyn and if there was anything I new about him or where he was I would let everyone know on here. This is for the safety others and I hope you understand that. I am sorry for what happened to you. We all need to work together to keep each other safe

    1. If you are seeking him, he must be a pretty likable guy after all!

  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. I approved the comment that gave an answer to the where-is-he-now questions and then immediately realized that was a BAD idea. I deleted it. Often the comments here come up on internet searches. I made a link to find the info without writing the info here:

  57. To the person who sent a lengthy post today, I can't post it. It will only inflame the situation. Sorry.

  58. o boy.such nut stuff

  59. Yes that was a better idea with the link....I'm not too computer savvy.

  60. I am kind of saddened by all those who judged within a situation that was not all that simple...I suggest no one should throw stones at an alcholic who did numerous things wrong in his life and found Jesus and distroyed the demon that lived within him. Much like Shanyn, Paul needed help and was crying out at a much different undetected level without anyone to lend their hand. Last year, Paul was diagnosed with cardiomyapothy and had a 20% chance of survival. He spent 8-weeks in a level-A hospital (not a Hotel in Edmond) looking like the MONSTER you depicted and judged him to be. You see, Cardiomyapothy destroys your muscle tissue and liver and bloats your center out to bursting level. Funny thing about near death experiences, they tend to help you find the way through the darkness. They tend to change you forever -- just ask any battled-hardened soldier or accident victims. The induced death he experienced in order to shrink his heart to normal size made him dream and thus re-experience his mistakes. Paul met Jesus who scolded him and warned him.I am here to tell you Jesus is real who watched over Paul within his coma and his time of need. Paul forgives all of you who judged him whithout knowing all the facts of the situation. Paul had no excuses and cried deeply over his mistakes and begged for forgiveness from those he hurt. Paul was a very different man who not only practiced and followed Catholic teachings here in the Bible belt of Oklahoma, he also helped those around him in many ways. He helped anyone who asked without him asking for returns. For those of you who knew him best, know this to be very true. Yes, people do change. Maybe in Paul's case it took death itself. I truely feel sorry for all of you who did not know how loving he could be or how in need and alone he truely was. I am ashamed at those who wrote blogs and wished his death as he was dying. For those who truly knew him best knew the best side he had within him, the funny laughing and sarcastic side. He was a loving and caring guy who truely wanted to do good for those around him. Unfortunetely, like in so many, many other cases alcohol is the true sin, killer and abuser. Pray for those who need our help, forgive those who made mistakes without knowing what they did under the influence. Paul paid the price for his crimes and then some. If Paul was "Joe Plumber", no one would have given it a second thought. Unfortunelty, everyone seems the need to blame someone just to make their lives seem perfect and meaningful. The only person who knows how much Paul cared for Shanyn and how he just wanted to be a family and do the right thing is Shanyn herself. She also knows that when the drinking started, so too did the fighting. Paul cared for Shanyn enough to leave everything he worked for behind and left with a packed duffel bag and nothing else. Her happiness without him was his primary concern. Now that he is gone forever, my hope is that all of you can sleep better without the worry of him showing up at your door. Remember, Jesus is our Lord and our only and true savior. He loves and forgives you all as he too was not understood and condemned to death.

  61. When did he die? I don't see an obituary or death notice on the internet anywhere.

  62. The same "religious" person who submitted the Apr 5, 2012 comment just tried to post again with his or her claws and fangs showing more clearly, stepping out further to try to slander the actual victim. I sensed the daggers in their above comment. OFFENDED that someone wonders where the obit is, he/she decided to take that opportunity to let loose with a full frontal attack. The very hateful, bitter, and full of blame sentiments won't get posted here.

  63. Amusing stuff. If Paul is indeed dead post a link to the obituary. Sounds like bs to me. If he's dead why is his company that he solely owns & is the only employee at still open for business?
    Paul was just as if not more so abusive sober as drunk. Hiding behind alcohol & a supposed heart problem, besides just not having one, is cowardly.
    I'm glad Paul has been able to "forgive" all those that judged him. I'm sure all those people are very relieved to know this.
    That post actually sounded exactly like something Paul would write. I didn't think dead people could type?

  64. Furthermore I have never been begged for forgiveness once. I also did not feel his supposed deep love & longing for a family life while he was blackening my eyes, splitting my lips & breaking my bones so please refrain from speaking on my behalf.

  65. Exactly....sociopaths aren't always the smartest. I'm sure himself & his latest victim Kelly came up w this death scheme to avoid collection agencies & the IRS. Cuz this blog is the end all of end all for everyone to believe he's dead right? I'm sure the IRS is as dumb as Paul thinks they are like he thinks of everyone else.

  66. Aaron (Shanyns husband)June 26, 2012

    Sounds to me like the manipulation continues, and you (paul) think everyone will just Beleive your lies. Personally I think you are the biggest 350lb coward I've ever heard about! You ever feel like trying to bully and control someone look me up cause even your new found relationship with Jesus won't help you!

    1. Paul wont confront a man who can hold his own. He gets his kicks off abusing little women 1/4 his size.

  67. AnonymousJuly 23, 2012

    Paul Andrescik looks to be alive and well according to this video in july He still has the company unlimited storm restoration

    1. Yep....that would be him! Sure doesn't look like a corpse to me!

  68. AnonymousJuly 25, 2012

    Just another example of how deceiving this man can be and what lengths he will go to. From the looks of the commercial he must have a gutter repair company in OK. I feel bad for anyone that uses his gutter company...wonder what deceiving tactics are practiced at unlimited storm restoration

  69. AnonymousJuly 31, 2012

    Unlimited Storm Restoration does more than just gutters. From the look of the site they repair storm damage. So anything a storm damages they repair.

  70. Paul is still alive. They have an updated post on his facebook wall

  71. Paul Andrescik Unlimited Storm Restoration Production Manager / Owner

  72. This man took a Divorced women &her 2handicaped sons for 20grand theft by swindle on a fake contract for deed the women come home one evening with her 2handicaped sons only to find out he changed locks on doors &put no trespassing sighs on rs after many months of trying to finance mortgage in her name.he was hanging up on mortgage com agent his mortgage com. Sold house right out from under her &her handicaped sons end this women ended up stayingDidnt even know he did this she was only in the home 11 months when he desided he wwanted $n quickSo he sold the house right out from under her feet n she ended up staying in a tent as he took all her $she had for a do
    Wn payment ... Hes a heartless bastard with no soul .....

  73. PAUL ANDRESICK BELONGS IN THE SEWER SLIKE THE DIRTY RAT HE IS ... I DONT 4get bout the 20 grang he swindled me out of made me &my 2handicaped sons homeless what comes round goes round .. U r cursed for the rest of your life for im a women of god he he watches over the gd n u r bound for hell lake of fife .. He is swift in punishment... U feel his raft already ... U know me JOANNE CATT

  74. That's a pretty serious allegation. Do you have something that you can send me privately to substantiate it? I don't want the info to have more against him. I need something to justify leaving this accusation up on the blog. There must have been some formal complaint filed that he had done something illegal. It can't be legal to not notify the people in the house.

    If you send me something privately to prove this happened I will leave this comment up. If you don't, I can't.

    Someone remind me.

  75. To the person who just sent two comments... I had said you could send me something privately but the info you sent was though a comment here on the blog instead of to my email address listed below. So before I hit "approve comment" I wanted to know if you meant that for my eyes only or you wanted to post it publicly.

  76. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  77. Due to new info I'm going over some comments that I hadn't posted for various reasons. This one I feel obligated to censor. Sorry:

    Posted by Anonymous to Behind The Blue Wall at January 30, 2013

    Andrescik clearly owns Unlimited Storm Restoration. I have heard from sources he might be sleeping with [REDACTED]. He is not dead as stated in the above submission. I have sources. He is actively working in OK and this is his company. Has anyone hear from him recently? Do they know if he still visits Colorado or if his company worked that storm damage?

    1. Will whoever wrote that comment please call or email me please

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  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. Mary, I am so proud that you are taking him on! Please keep us all updated!

  82. Hello Mary. Doing a quick google search you can see that he has a relationship with American Pride roofing. They tweeted this recently

    AmericanPrideRoofing ‏@roofing_pros 13 Sep 10
    Former employee misrepresenting themselves as American Pride Roofing. WARNING: Paul Andrescik is not affiliated with American Pride Roofing

    I am sure they have some info for you

  83. It is crazy to think that someone can do this over and over to people. Mary, you owe this to yourself and the future victims. Someone needs to see this through and stop this. Mary, what sort of info will help your case? You should be able to call your city and pull all permits that he has pulled to check with other homeowners that have worked with him to find strength in numbers to fund your case. I am sure there are more and where you will find more you will build a bigger and bigger case with less costs to you. Or he may back down, pay you off, and this will all go away only for him to hurt someone else. Hope you see it through. Thanks BW

  84. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  85. People who want further updates from Mary should contact her at the email address or phone number that she has provided. This blog is stepping back from this building /business issue that is not regarding domestic violence. Valuable connection has been made.

    I love everybody and it just pains me to see lives fall apart even when people do it to themselves.

  86. Mary Beth Walling

  87. FYI.....Paul has now changed his name to Paul Steven Andrew. He can move onto a whole new patch of victims who won't know to google Paul Amdrescik.

    1. Sounds like he's tired of an easily identifiable name so picked three generic names to play mix match with, like Paul Andrew, Paul S. Andrew, or Steve or Steven Andrew. Reminds me of that magic trick of which cup is the ball under. I wonder if he's contemplating reentering law enforcement as an officer or deputy.

    2. He's a good 375, I don't think he'd make it one day in the police academy. It's more likely that he couldn't get a date unless it was with old ladies who don't google. I'm just not sure how it's legal to change your name when you have a violent criminal history?


Please post updates or email them to No cop-hating or victim-hating comments allowed. Word verification had to be added due to spam attacks on this blog.