Previous entries:
- 8/31/2007 - [OH] There's hate in that suicide threat Laura
- 10/5/2007 - [OH] Dangerous Detective Earl - Protection order lifted & GPS off his ankle?
- 8/18/2007 - [OH] Chief's goal for domestic-terror Detective Earl
Morning Journal
[Excerpts] The Amherst law director has agreed to dismiss a criminal charge against Lorain police patrolman Corey Earl that alleged he violated a civil protection order by contacting his estranged wife. Amherst Law Director Anthony Pecora and Jonathan Rosenbaum, Corey Earl's attorney, agreed in a joint motion filed Dec. 21, 2007, that the charges against him would be dismissed in Oberlin Municipal Court that he violated a civil protection order. Pecora and Rosenbaum agreed that Laura Earl, Corey Earl's estranged wife, made false statements to a Lorain County Domestic Relations magistrate to get the CPO, the motion said. "Ms. Earl has admitted since obtaining the CPO that the Defendant did not threaten domestic violence against her or anyone in the house during the events that allegedly gave rise to the CPO," the motion said. "Therefore, no basis for the CPO underlying the current charges ever existed"... According to the investigation by the Amherst Prosecutor's Office, "Ms. Earl's statements concerning her fear of the defendant are inconsistent with her repeated actions to the point where her credibility is undermined to the extent that there is no reasonable chance for a conviction"... In another matter, Corey Earl was reprimanded by the police department on Dec. 27 for conducting private business while on duty, using "indecent, profane or harsh language in the performance of official duties" and engaging in personal conduct or act "which, if brought to the public, could result in justified unfavorable criticism of that officer or department," according to reprimand. He admitted to making inappropriate comments to his girlfriend's ex-husband during a traffic stop last year, an internal investigation said...
What the heck happened to the comments that were listed about this person and the police department?? This is strange! They are just, "poof" and are gone from the web site. Could someone feel the heat and does as much as possible to make this story go away?? We will see!
ReplyDeleteThere was 2 Behind the Blue Wall sites and now one. This one has no comments showing at my end. I think it strong armed of Rivera to call a newspaper to tell them not to print negative things about Corey Earl and his wrong doings, "but" the last I knew we still have freedom of speech and that includes the press.
ReplyDeleteYou're comparing this entry with others about Corey Earl on this blog. Some have comments, some don't. Nothing went poof.
ReplyDeleteType corey earl in the blog's search box.
I just found this site and had to reply. I am impressed with all you cover stories about this "one" officer. Believe me there have been other you may want to check into. Try "Officer Jack Brown"! Now that one will make your hair stand up. "Unless" of this has been covered up by the powers that be. This man has a trail that is hard to swallow. But guess what "he is still a police officer", and under the wings of Rivera and Rohner. Just check it out and prove me wrong! Anonymoust I must stay or it is hard to tell what problems will fall down upon me. But please CW, keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteJack Brown is in the comments section here:
ReplyDelete[OH] For the Record: Lorain Officer Gerek got PROBATION? - http://behindthebluewall.blogspot.com/2007/09/oh-for-record-lorain-officer-gerek-got.html
Google doesn't scan the "comments" for indexing in their search results so let me see what I can do.
beware ladies… this guy is now on several online dating sites looking for a long tern relationship