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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

[UT] Ex cop, Judge Stoney

"...The police are predominantly male chauvinist pigs. They're just not sensitive to what's happening. I can say that because I used to be a police officer..."

...Today he is one of the highest paid judges in West Valley City UT. He hears domestic violence cases all of the time...

I just ran across this on Youtube - including the text with the video. Judge Stoney APPEARS to not only have gotten away with serial attacks, but has never been negatively impacted by it. Even when he had to stop being a judge for a stint when his repeated abuse became PUBLIC - he never stopped drawing his full pay. He is still a judge. I found a small blurb that confirms Stoney is still officially judging and sentencing others:

Saratoga names judge
Pony Express Community Briefing
28 December 2007
Judge Keith Stoney has officially been named as the new Saratoga Springs Justice Court judge. Starting in January [2008], Saratoga Springs will hold justice court on Fridays in the City Council Chambers, with Judge Stoney presiding... Stoney now serves as a justice four days a week in West Valley City.

"Keith Stoney, Utah Ex cop and Judge, Domestic Violence"

[TEXT ACCOMPANYING VIDEO ON YOUTUBE] "Judge accused of domestic violence uses connections to get away with it."Circuit Court Judge Keith Stoney was fired by the State of Utah when it surfaced that the police had been called to his home multiple times for Domestic Violence. Notice he says he NEVER beat his wives, in fact they beat HIM with brooms. It is outrageous and unbelievable. He was investigated in 1987 by DCFS for abusing his children and got away with that by using his contacts in law enforcement. He has taught at the police academy for decades. His wives and children called the police only to have them respond and greet with affection the very man who had violently laid his hands on them. In 2003 after his own son was arrested for assault and battery. His son had been in trouble many previous times in which Judge Stoney became involved. The Judge attempted to use his contacts to have his son released from any consequences. This time his son's arrest resulted in charges. He has done this multiple times. In 2004 he used his contacts to get a stepdaughter out of serious drug related trouble. In 1993 his own minor daughter called the police to say he was beating her and instead he had her charged as a runaway. Today he is one of the highest paid judges in West Valley City UT. He hears domestic violence cases all of the time. He is a high ranking and well respected Mormon as well. As if his position wasn't egregious enough, Judge Stoney is frequently hired to speak across the country as a "Domestic Violence Expert."
[End of youtube text]

Narrator: "He practiced what he prosecuted"

Ex-wife Reba Stoney says it was 17 years of domestic violence. "He would kick me up the stairs or he would kick me down the stairs, you know, at the same time pulling my hair and choking my neck, you know. (Pause) And that was very common."

Ex-wife Ginger Ainscough said she was beaten on a regular basis. "We had been married about five months the first time he got physically abusive. I was pregnant at the time."

Keith Stoney
"I've been hit, I've been beat, I've been chased, I've been kicked in the crotch. I've been smacked upside the head with brooms, chairs, uh, I've been accused of every kind of mayhem that one could find and it just didn't happen."


Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT) -
Julianne Basinger, Associated Press
February 11, 1993
[EXCERPT]...Circuit court clerks in Salt Lake City estimate officers cite perpetrators 90 percent of the time rather than taking them into custody... The officers, usually male, will often talk to the man rather than the woman. "They're over there talking man-talk and she's just getting more angry. The police are predominantly male chauvinist pigs. They're just not sensitive to what's happening. I can say that because I used to be a police officer," says West Valley City prosecutor Keith Stoney...

High Court Benches Utah Judge No One Checked His Past; Ex-Wife Says He Hit Her Allegations May Cost Judge His Job
Salt Lake Tribune (UT)
Sheila R. McCann
September 2, 1995
[EXCERPTS]The Utah Supreme Court suspended the authority of temporary 3rd Circuit Judge Keith Stoney on Friday after officials acknowledged they failed to do a background check and did not evaluate past allegations of domestic violence against him. Stoney, 42, a West Valley City prosecutor, had been on the downtown Salt Lake City bench for a week... Court officials concede they did not investigate or even know of allegations by his ex-wife, including a disorderly conduct charge filed by Sandy prosecutors in 1993 and a temporary-protection order issued in 1994. "Given the nature of the allegations and the caseload he would be hearing, it has raised the serious issue of the propriety of having him hear these cases," said Court of Appeals Judge Pam Greenwood, who is acting state-court administrator... "This appalls me," said Ginger Ainscough, the ex-wife who accused Stoney of slapping her and pushing her down stairs during their two-year marriage. "He should absolutely not be a judge"... HE ACKNOWLEDGES SLAPPING AND PUSHING HIS EX-WIFE, BUT ASSERTS IT OCCURRED IN SELF-DEFENSE AND WAS NOT CRIMINAL CONDUCT. "IT WAS NOT AN ISSUE ANYONE ASKED ME ABOUT"...

Retired Judge to Fill In On 3rd Circuit Bench
Salt Lake Tribune
Sheila R. McCann
September 6, 1995
[EXCERPTS] A retired judge has been hired to temporarily handle the case load of pro tem 3rd Circuit Judge Keith Stoney, who was suspended Friday by the Utah Supreme Court... Stoney has contacted 3rd Circuit Court officials since the suspension Friday but has not resigned, said Court of Appeals Judge Pam Greenwood, who is the state's acting court administrator. Retired 2nd Circuit Judge Mark Johnson will serve temporarily in the position. Other senior judges also will be called on to serve, if necessary. "Stoney 's status right now is unresolved," Greenwood said Tuesday. The courts do not plan to now investigate the domestic-violence allegations, and are instead hoping Stoney will resign... She said it is unclear how the courts will proceed if Stoney does not resign... Stoney was hired outside the usual nominating process for permanent state judges, which includes background checks and a public release of finalists' names... Stoney was the only candidate interviewed by 3rd Circuit Court officials. Greenwood said the scope of a search for his replacement will be wider and will include background checks of candidates.

He's Off the Bench, But on the Payroll Suspended Judge Still Drawing His $75,000 Salary
The Salt Lake Tribune
Sheila R. McCann
September 19, 1995
[EXCERPTS] Suspended judge Keith Stoney is continuing to receive full pay, based on a $75,000 annual salary, more than two weeks after the Utah Supreme Court revoked his authority. Stoney 's suspension on Sept. 1 was requested by 3rd Circuit Court officials, who acknowledged they hired the West Valley City prosecutor without a background check and had failed to evaluate allegations of domestic violence against him... he has not resigned or been dismissed. State court officials have no deadline for resolving Stoney 's status and will continue to pay him indefinitely, Court of Appeals Judge Pamela Greenwood said Monday. The Utah Supreme Court approved a rule change in August to allow Stoney's expedited hiring, skipping the usual screening and nomination process for state judges. He was the only candidate interviewed... Stoney , representing himself, fought [2nd wife Ginger Ainscough's] allegations in their divorce. He sought affidavits from friends and family, including his first wife, Reba Stoney. IN A STATEMENT FILED IN 3RD DISTRICT COURT, REBA STONEY SAID HE HAD NEVER BEATEN HER DURING THEIR 17-YEAR MARRIAGE... HOWEVER, REBA STONEY CLAIMS THE SIGNATURE ON THE STATEMENT IS NOT HER SIGNATURE. West Valley City officials have hired an independent handwriting expert to examine the document, and results are expected later this week... West Valley City officials are investigating an allegation of forgery related to Stoney's divorce from Ainscough...

Deseret News
Marianne Funk
September 21, 1995
[EXCERPTS] West Valley prosecutor Keith Stoney resigned as a pro tem judge Wednesday in the wake of media reports that he may have physically abused two ex-wives... Stoney will return to his job as a prosecutor for West Valley City. He will continue to vigorously prosecute domestic violence cases... He said he is in the middle of a custody battle with his first wife, Reba, over their youngest child. That conflict may have prompted her claim, he said. His second wife, Ginger, sought a protective order against Stoney in 1994, claiming Stoney threw her down the porch steps at his home and hit her on the side of the head... Asked if a judicial candidate's personal life ought to be looked into, he replied, "This may be cutting my own throat, but I'm not so sure that's not a bad idea"...

Deseret News
Marianne Funk
September 23, 1995
[EXCERPTS] Utah Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael Zimmerman has implemented a new policy for appointing pro tem judges designed to weed out applicants with troubled pasts. Attorneys seeking appointment to the temporary posts must now submit to a background check...


  1. Nice work but have you passed this on to the local press where he is serving? Isn't it possible the genral public there doesn't know?

  2. Don't forget to post my recent run in with "Honorable" Judge Stoney:


    He manipulated my proof of insurance and shredded it 7 times claiming that it was never sent. Duped the receptionists in toying with me because he said I was being abusive to his clerk. The clerks stopped supporting him when they saw that video of Judge Stoney accused of beating his wives. In trial I worked with a series of lawyers who were attempting to have Stoney confess certain things in the past by using my case as a channel of communication. Through my efforts I was spared because he knew people are dissapointed with him but not after he abused his authority by making guards stand on both sides of me squeezing my hips, making me sit in the prisoner's bench for 4 hours and calling me racist names like "big nosed mexican". I attended a trial of two girls that were inprisoned on Christmas day on charges of contempt. The girls were inoccent in the first place but because they got upset in front of the judge he jailed them. Only when I made the truth of Judge Keith L Stoney available is when they dropped the civil case. The judge didnt even have the guts to show up.

    Uses their resources to manipulate justice is organized crime. Period.


  3. We've had a recent run in with the same situation with judge Stoney. My sister was placed in Jail for contempt for 720 days. ??? She was INNOCENT of the crime she was being accused of (BREAKING her own window), the "supposed witnesses" even say they don't know what the hell is going on, because they weren't present to see anything. The court docket has NO record of her being found guilty, just that she was sentenced to 720 days for missing one court date. ??? What is going on with this guy? And what kills me is that they do not record anything, no one watches what he says and how he is toward women.

    If anyone has any help to offer please contact me : idamicha@gmail.com Thanks.

  4. I think you need an attorney for a lawsuit.

  5. following up. No attorney wanted to touch this one. Because of the constant phone calls the courts finally provided her with an attorney AFTER she was already sentenced to the 720 days. She was scared and they forced her to plea because she was afraid of what they were doing to her. She pled to something she did NOT do. Because of this Judge and his actions she is now afraid of the judicial system and it's ability to manipulate a person to do whatever they want.

  6. I have also had a simular situation with this man, he rules by intimidation, and has no consiounse when it comes to destroying peoples lives. He manipulates the system with no regaurd for reality and does right in front of everyones eyes, knowing no one will dare hold him accountable. This man breaks the law at every turn, and gets away with it time and time again. The price to those he reigns his terror on is not acceptable.

  7. Wow everything that I have just read sounds like a totally different person from the Judge Keith Stoney I was in front of... My charges were dropped. I had no problems at all when I was in his court room.

  8. well from the sound of the other post's on this page NOBODY is guilty... but to answer your question no I wasn't guilty, if I was I would have been the first to admit it! Obviously it none of the other problems started in with the Judge... so people should start at the beginig not the end!

  9. AnonymousJune 19, 2010

    Wow myself and almost every member of our family and some friends have appeared in front of Stoney in traffic court. I never knew any of this. He actualy married my husband and I in 2001.

  10. I am so glad to read a post by someone that actually has brains! I find it very interesting how the news only reports what they want you to hear, and all you mindless idiots believe every word they (the news and other mindless idiots that post information) say. One of the first things they teach you in law school is to get all the facts, maybe you people should try this before you make incorrect assumptions. Thank you to the person who defended Judge Stoney. I have sat in Judge Stoney's court room numerous times and found his rulings to be very fair and impartial. I know for a fact that everything that "Anonymous" wrote, defending Judge Stoney,-vindictive daughter, ex-wife lying about not signing the paper, second ex-wife's false allegations, and son never even telling him about his legal troubles until after the fact- is true.

    I need to find gullible, thoughtless (literally) people like you and start a pyramid scheme.

  11. Protest organized against Stoney Friday September 10, 2010 in Saritoga Springs Utah.


    Oh and his so called "vindictive daughter" never ran away but spent over a year in foster care with LDS social services. Sure, Stoney is the victim in all of this, yea right. His history in the courtroom of abuses speaks for itself.

  12. Looks like Keith found this blog.

  13. Keith didn't find it, his nemesese, Lindsey Jarvis undoubtably did, this is standard procedure for them, damage control. This mans record speaks for itself. And of course the majority of cases are going to be of little significance, but piss off, offend, or don't cower to this man, and you are putting your life in your hands, literally...

  14. Anonymous, as his prosecutor, I'm sure you've sat in his court room numerous times, I'm sure you believe the nonsense your spouting, Including that every one but yourself and J.P. Stoney are, as you put it, Mindless Idiots, and Dumb asses. Kinda points to some other realities, don't ya think?

  15. This is the vilest kind of rumor mongering and it shows the worst of humanity. I've known Keith intimately for 40+ years. I've known Reba since before they were married. I knew Ginger for the brief time they were married. This "spouse abuse" allegation from 15 years ago was a terrible episode which unfairly demeaned and humiliated Keith and every innocent member of the whole family. Now you are doing it again using 15 year old YouTube videos. You folks are doing a tremendous disservice to this family including Reba and Ginger. This is very misguided and very un-Christian.

  16. Show me your Christian work to get low income men who beat up their family members freed from jail too. If Stoney doesn't have to go - no one should.

    He "was" a batterer or is?

    Stoney gave a woman ten days in jail for talking loud but got away with serious crimes himself.

    Who is he to judge? That's the problem. If someone who commits crimes is in a public office and yet was sentencing others everything is irony instead of justice.

  17. Excuse me if I don't feel any compassion for this man. As a victim of his overzealous actions, as well as his prosecutor, and lead detective, there have been many who rely on my support and presence who have been affected by j.p. Stoney's willingness to step over the ruling of a district court Judge, than add an additional charge, on the spot, that was never presented to him, which was later overturned in an appeal in the fourth district court. Then pursue stalking charges for unknowingly passing my Ex. on the freeway. Oh, who by the way has since made allegations that one of her many other Ex-husbands was sexually molesting there nine year old son, gained temporary custody, only to be thrown out by a judge with some common sense, she's now facing contempt of court charges. This Trio, who was so,( Judge, prosecutor, and Detective) underhandedly put in power in Saratoga Springs, is out of control. I've spent five and a half months in jail, for crimes, I absolutely did not commit. Crazy enough, based on the allegations of a woman who has been diagnosed with several personality disorders, and told several individuals in advance of her intent to set me up, sounds kind of familiar, huh, Keith. Even if I had committed the crime, which I was falsely accused of, a Class B misdemeanor with 47 years no priors, Fifty two days in jail seems just a little over the top, let alone another ninety eight days for unknowingly passing my ex on the freeway. Sorry folks I'm not buying Anonymous Jarvices nonsense. Further more I've had the opportunity to speak with dozens of victims of this man, and his cohorts, this man is over the edge. This demented individual has no business in our court system..

  18. So the District Court judges and juries which convicted you on a felony and upheld Judge Stoney's verdict on appeal without any involvement from Judge Stoney and the prosecutor are probably corrupt too, right? That makes sense- you're so misunderstood. Please don't reproduce.

  19. Wow that's original Lindsey, did you come up with that all by yourself?

  20. "This "spouse abuse" allegation from 15 years ago was a terrible episode which unfairly demeaned and humiliated Keith" OMG. Yes, Keith is such a victim. NOT. Keith Stoney is an arrogant, chauvenist of the worst kind. He is disrespectful to women in general and has a foul temper. I've experienced it firsthand and I've never been in his courtroom, nor am I one of his many ex-wives. The City Weekly article said it quite accurately "Jekyll and Hyde".

  21. How come anyone that says something good about this judge is instantly accussed of being his prosecutor? Believe it or not, there are people other than those that work with Judge Stoney, that believe he is a good judge. I am one of those.
    I have been infront of Judge Stoney on one occasion, and had to sit through a few cases until he heard mine. I found him very respectful (and yes, I am a woman) toward everyone, even those that were very obviously guilty. He did not act arrogant or lose his temper, even though I would have with the scum bags that were there. I find it very hard to believe these allegations, and think that someone is just out to ruin this judge for some past wrong doing.

  22. I have known Keith Stoney my whole life, I'm his daughter. I was there when my mom, Reba, signed those papers saying he never beat her. I told the reporter in this story that she did sign the papers and he didn't believe me. Maybe it was because I was only 12 years old? I don't know. I was there when my dad supposedly "threw" Ginger down the stairs when she was pregnant. It didn't happen. He's not an abuser.

    My Dad has NEVER raised his hand to me, and believe me, as a teenager I gave him a run for his money, although not as much as my older siblings. I did get spanked a couple of times by my mom though, does that count as abuse?

    I have NEVER seen him be disrespectful toward any woman. I'm not sure where that has come from. He is very respectful toward women, even when they are attacking him (physically and verbally). I think many men could take a lesson from him.

    I have seen my dad get angry, after all he is male, but I would never say he has a foul temper. I have seen him hold his tongue time and time again with my siblings and I when we were younger. He disciplined us when it was necessary.

    I am very proud of my dad, and the way he has handled all these allegations. Shame on those of you who are trying to hurt him. Yes, even you Craig. I'm not sure of the circumstances that surround your case, but you don't go to jail for passing your ex on the freeway, I don't care what you say. And you Schanze, I think you've lost some of your marbles. Anyone that sides with you is missing a few themselves.

    Shame on my older sister who is trying so vehemently to hurt our father/family. I'm sorry that you feel like you need to spew out these lies and lash out at the whole family, but you were the one that turned your back on us.

    I think my dad is a great judge, and it truly hurts me personally to know that there are people out there like some of you who are willing to do whatever you can to get back at him because you didn't like your punishment for breaking the law. Let me guess, your all innocent, right?

  23. It is so sad to see a young woman come to her father's defense out of loyalty when even she admits that he gets very angry. So many children block and deny the truth about their childhood in order to reconcile the affectionate feelings they may have towards a parent.

    It is socially confusing to feel affection towards and abuser and seek their apporval while simultanously being scared of them. Judging by her statements one can only surmise that she is in this situation and views extreme bouts of anger and rage as normal, or just something men do.

    One can only hope she does not continue to consider this acceptable behaviour with a husband or future husband.

    The cycle of abuse repeats itself. Abused children almost invariably marry abusive spouses or become abusers themselves in an attempt to reconcile their traumatic childhood. They know nothing else.

  24. Dear "Pam"

    Thank you for your concern and I am flattered that you consider me a young woman. However, I feel as though you are trying to discredit my comment by suggesting that I am young and naive. I am neither young or naive.

    I was somewhat offended by what you wrote- suggesting that I don't understand what abuse is, that my father abused me, and even going as far as suggesting that my husband could be abusing me now. Is it because I spoke up for what I know to be true and you think differently?

    One might assume from your comment that you know me and my family, but you only know what you have read and seen on the television and clearly don't understand that the media will tell you what they want you to hear, and what sells the story.

    I never said my father gets "very angry" as you stated and I understand the difference between a man getting angry over something and "extreme bouts of anger and rage". Do you surround yourself with robots that feel nothing? Believe it or not, but people feel emotions in different circumstances, its actually normal and healthy.

    Lastly, I would just like to say that I am not coming to my "father's defense out of loyalty", I commented because I felt like the truth had not been presented to the public.

    One can only conclude that while your comment may be well written, it was clearly not written by a health professional who would find it inappropriate to say anything with out getting all the facts first.

    "Smart is when you believe only half of what you hear. Brilliant is when you know which half to believe."

  25. What I find interesting is that people are saying they "know for a fact" what a person does when they are not present.

    People insult people over this. I don't know how horrible or how good this judge may be. What I do know is how horrible he has been to the people who were in court. What I do know is what a clerk specifically stated how she felt pressured to keep her mouth shut or she would lose her job.

    What I do know is that he does not want to be recorded in court. Rather than a bunch of heresay and people screaming obscenities back and forth let's request this be the first line of communication. His judgements on live feeds. If you're going to serve the people, allow those people to watch you do it.

    If he had nothing to hide, this would not be a problem.

    Remember - friends and family will always try to protect those they love. Regardless of what has FACTUALLY happened.

    I want facts, not hearsay. The one thing I learned very early in life is that people will create rumors...but rumors are created around some truth. It's a matter of finding it.

  26. Unfortunately for "Anonymous," he or she has more than just one person's "rumors" to deal with. There seems to be a pattern emerging.

    If Judge Stoney is so just and fair, why are there so many people saying he isn't?

    If he is just as impartial and honest in his rulings as other judges, why is there a facebook page dedicated to his removal, but none exist for other judges in the area?

    Why are there news reports about Judge Stoney, but not about other Utah judges, except those who deserve to be exposed (Ray Harding comes to mind)?

    The Tribune article says, "On Friday, Stoney said of the protesters: 'They are disgruntled defendants who have been convicted, even on appeal.'"

    Isn't it interesting that he can tell us after the fact that the people who attended the protest were former defendants who were convicted, "even on appeal." He seems to know everyone who was there, along with the details of each of their cases intimately. Does he really know all that?

    Or is the truth really that he's generalizing in an attempt to discredit the protesters?

  27. At this point, I don't need to be educated on the facts. I'm sorry Judge Stoney, I'd rather be safe then sorry. Your reputation is obliterated. Common sense says if there are people willing to make billboards and facebook pages about you then, you really are not the "victim". I will not support anyone who has such a reputation. And I will not support anyone who thought it was okay to appoint you here in Saratoga Springs. That, however does not make me a "dumbass" for making this conclusion. It is strictly the safest most realistic option. There are plenty of options for Saratoga Springs, who knows why they wanted to bring such a controversy into the system. But i'm sure someone is realizing it and wanting to quickly resolve the problem. Sadly, this world is not perfect but I feel that safest option is to rid the offices of those who stand for such obscenity.

  28. The mans personal life aside: I have been in his court, even faced him, Ive experienced him pushing his weight in the court room. He has locked up people for traffic citations, and small drug charges, these type of people should a)Take defensive driving classes b)Get treatment for their drug problem WHICH comes from the guilty parties pocket not the tax payer!! Our country is in debt place if fines on the small stuff and lock away those that are actually hurting others it could help our economy im sure!! I am tired of paying to house and feed people with small charges. Where is the justice system our fore fathers forseen for our "Land of the free" ???

  29. TS, "I have NEVER seen him be disrespectful toward any woman. I'm not sure where that has come from." It comes from personal experince that's where. I know Keith, and I'll restate, my opinion of him has become that he is indeed a Jekyll and Hyde personality. I've experienced first hand your father being disrespectful to a woman, completely unprofessional and actually quite immature. Nobody wants to hear that their dad is a jerk who should lose his job, I get that. It doesn't change the fact that he works for the taxpayers of West Valley City, Saratoga Springs and the Third Court District and your father has gotten away with things he should have been fired for because of the "old white, Mormon boy" network.

  30. Go to Facebook: "No to Stoney- Accurate Info"

  31. We have been told by people in the Utah State Capital (who are aware of the current situation and are disgusted) to gather as many people as possible, then go in the streets, peacefully assemble, get the word out and bring down the Kingdom. We will de-throne him.

  32. The Utah Judicial Conduct Commission just completed a confidential hearing as a result of a complaint filed by a citizen against Stoney and having fully deliberated and having issued its Finding of Fact and Conclusions of Law Orders Stoney to be censured.
    Now it goes to the Supreme Court to determine sanctions.
    We'll soon see what the Supreme Court will do to Stoney who has violated the Code of Judicial Conduct, who has violated the Utah State Constitution, who has violated the U.S. Constitution and many other laws.

  33. Looks like the controversy continues...I wonder if his anonymous "daughter" or "lifelong friend" will post again here to defend him. lol


  34. You dumb ass!!! He is retiring. Not quitting our resigning. He has his thirty years. He sees thousands of cases every year. You three people think you were so picked on but guess what you're still guilty and no matter what you write on here you aren't going to change that, so hahaha... Its to damn bad he can't order you to never reproduce. Everyone knows you don't take your phone out in the courtroom so she should have got a bigger sentence for being retarded.

  35. Wow, the Champagn's are at it again. Seriously folks, these are some sick demented people. It would seem Stoney has finally been kicked to the curb, by the J.C.C. Prosecutor Jarvis was given the boot by the city, and ex-detective Champagne, was demoted to patrolman. These three individuals are seriously not right in the head. Sadly they took the city administration of Saratoga Springs, with them on this ride. This administration has chosen to lie to every resident of Saratoga Springs, in order to cover for the misconduct of these individuals. Pretty sad when so many innocent individuals have had to pay such a high price for the misconduct of these few. One can only hope that karma will have its way with these individuals. What is so alarming about this situation is that those agencies and individuals who are supposed to protect us against this kind of abuse, have shown that they are willing to do what is necessary to sweep these allegations under the rug, to avoid embarressment to the establishment. The people of Saratoga Springs are very fortunate that a select few chose to take on the abuses of these individuals, and bring a stop to this nonsense.

  36. To the person who left 4 wordy articulated messages it's clear that you are not a sideline observer as you portray yourself as.

  37. I cleaned up the comments a little today. I think I was faril.

    From that link that someone posted abvoe:

    Doug Robinson: Will judge face up to justice?
    Deseret News
    By Doug Robinson
    Tuesday, Aug. 7 2012
    [Excerpts] ... apparently not-so-honorable Keith Stoney, whose reputation as a courtroom bully continues to grow... There have been public protests on the streets against Stoney's abuses and websites devoted to his ouster. At least five cases have been filed against Stoney with the Judicial Conduct Commission. The Provo Daily Herald published an editorial last week that demanded Stoney be suspended immediately... http://www.deseretnews.com/article/765595224/Will-judge-face-up-to-justice.html

  38. Provo District Judge Finds Judge Keith Stoney Abused Power
    City Weekly
    by Eric Peterson
    [Excerpts] “Did Judge Stoney abuse his discretion? The answer is yes” reads a July 30 ruling by 4th District Judge Claudia Laycock in deciding if Saratoga Springs Justice Court Judge Stoney had gone too far in jailing a woman in 2010 simply for having her cell phone out in his court room... “Stoney’s error was, indeed, egregious and its consequences were severe,” Laycock’s ruling reads... Judge Laycock has found Stoney’s behavior to not be in accordance with the law... http://www.cityweekly.net/utah/blog-25-8079-provo-district-judge-finds-judge-keith-stoney-abused-power.html

  39. Controversial judge agrees to retire; pending complaints will be dismissed
    Deseret News
    By Emiley Morgan
    Monday, Sept. 17 2012
    [Excerpts] Elaine Damron-Peltekian got a call Monday that left her with mixed feelings. For more than two years, her family had been embroiled in a campaign against Saratoga Springs Justice Court Judge Keith Stoney... But on Monday, she was told that an agreement has been reached between the conduct commission and the judge. Stoney will retire on Dec. 31. Investigations into any pending complaints — the agreement only states that there are one or more — will be suspended. After his retirement, the complaints will be dismissed. "I just felt like justice really hasn't been served," Damron-Peltekian said. "Although we were successful in taking down a judge, he just gets to step down and retire and collect his pension from taxpayers. But he really hasn't been disciplined"... The conduct commission also reprimanded Stoney for another incident, saying he intentionally issued a $10,000 cash-only warrant against a woman for a minor traffic violatio... http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865562587/Controversial-judge-agrees-to-retire-pending-complaints-will-be-dismissed.html

  40. Allan & Easton, LLC Welcome New Attorney, Keith Stoney
    February 6, 2013

    Allan & Easton, LLC are excited to announce that retired judge and prosecutor, Keith Stoney, has joined their firm. Keith has over 30 years of criminal law experience. He has worked as a former city attorney and prosecutor, legal instructor for the Utah Police Academy and has trained Judges regarding search and seizure, laws of arrest, laws of evidence, domestic violence and Motor Vehicle Law.

    Until recently, Keith was serving as the Justice Court Judge in West Valley and Saratoga Springs. He has joined Criminal Defense Attorney Lindsay Jarvis in Allan & Easton’s West Jordan office.

    We’re excited to have him as part of our team.

    Call 801-938-9868 to schedule a free consultation.



Please post updates or email them to behindthebluewall@gmail.com. No cop-hating or victim-hating comments allowed. Word verification had to be added due to spam attacks on this blog.