Chronicle News Service
Posted by John Tunison and John Agar
January 13, 2008
HOLLAND --The wife of a Holland police officer now accused of murdering her was afraid of him and had a personal protection order to keep him away, a neighbor said... Officer Ken DeKleine, 44, is expected to be arraigned Monday in Holland District Court on a charge of open murder for his wife's death... "If somebody would have ever said, 'Is Ken DeKleine even capable of something like that?' I'd have bet him a million dollars, no way," [retired Sgt Mark] Bos said. "It's tragic. It's a shame. Now, we've got two teen-agers and no parents"... Lori DeKleine took out the protection order against her husband several months ago...
[Full article here]
This was a sad and shocking event! All I can say is that something snapped in his mind, he was a kind man. I give my grievences to the DeKleine Family.
ReplyDeleteDon't make excuses for this man. LORI IS THE ONE WHO WAS MURDERED. If there is a mention of the man who attacked her, who watched her watch him as he squeezed the life out of her, and then - in a final burst of selfishness - left her bloated, violated body for their son to discover as he perpetrated one last lie - that she committed suicide - if anyone mentions this man in public, it should be to focus on his betrayal of his wife, his vows, his children, and his obligations as a man, husband, father, and human being. There has been a lot of sympathy for and focus on Ken DeKleine by the news, by his church, by the police chief and fellow cops. What is wrong with our society, with us that this is an acceptable response ??!! LORI is the one who lost her life for no other reason than that she achieved the strength to end a horrible marriage that had been abusive for a long time. The FOCUS SHOULD BE ON LORI, on her life, on the many wonderful things she did. Is her murderer worthy of compassion? Yes - and when justice has been done, when we have all considered this brutal act and how it happened among us, when he has taken responsibility for his horrible acts, THEN it will be appropriate for us to consider his healing. But now, we should be considering Lori, the loss SHE is to our community, and the children he left as orphans.
ReplyDeleteSpouses and ex-spouses don't "snap". They've given it thought before they kill - and choose to not get help for the safety of those around them.
ReplyDeleteThis is not the sad result of an unfortunate moment.
This is murder and what murders are made of. He harbored this.
She knew.
Who listened?
Who tried to help her?
Who could she turn to in a town like this?
...Every thought-seed sown or allowed to fall into the mind, and to take root there, produces its own, blossoming sooner or later into act, and bearing its own fruitage of opportunity and circumstance...
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ReplyDeleteSorry I didn't meant to approve that comment before censoring it. Regardless of truth if what you say is severe AND unsubstantiated it just isn't right for me to let it be here - so... Redacted:
December 04, 2013
"...what about the real motivation Officer DeKleine had. Where are the stories about his issues? Why did the Police try to blame Lori? Ken was the one in an inappropriate relationship, [REDATED]. It’s so much easier for the Police to blame anyone other than a Police officer and make her look bad, gotta find a way to make the Police not look so bad, this is messed up. Where is the truth?!?!?"
Now me: I remember how the chief had obviously bought into whatever Ken had told him about Lori but feel free to share how you saw the police making Lori look bad. You can email me privately if you prefer.